U.S. Department of Justice

How Does Domestic Violence Affect the Vermont Workplace? A Survey of Male Offenders Enrolled in Batterer Intervention Programs in Vermont

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Aug. 24, 2012

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  • How Does Domestic Violence Affect the Vermont Workplace? A Survey of Male Offenders Enrolled in Batterer Intervention Programs in Vermont

ANNOTATION: This report provides information regarding the “pervasiveness and severity of domestic violence perpetrated through workplace resources and work time and the impact of these actions on the workplace … [and] the workplace response to domestic violence from supervisors, co-workers, and policies and procedures” (p. 4). Sections following an executive summary include: the Vermont Study on Domestic Violence and the Workplace; methodology; study findings regarding employment status and role at work, loss of work time due to domestic violence, workplace response to domestic violence, contact with partner during the workday, productivity and safety at work, impact of domestic abuse on partner’s employment, and workplace strategies to prevent domestic violence; and recommendations for employers. Samples are provided for a workplace policy regarding domestic and sexual violence and a brochure on domestic violence and the workplace.

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