U.S. Department of Justice

The Effects of a Short-Term Batterer Treatment Program for Detained Arrestees: A Randomized Experiment in the Sacramento County, California Jail

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Oct. 26, 2009

Library ID

  • 024043

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  • 2009
  • 65 pages.

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  • The Effects of a Short-Term Batterer Treatment Program for Detained Arrestees: A Randomized Experiment in the Sacramento County, California Jail

ANNOTATION: “This study evaluates the effects of an early intervention program to provide DV [domestic violence] education for DV arrestees on reducing repeat DV through a true experimental design (p. 3). Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; batterer treatment research literature search; description of the treatment used in this study and the fidelity of the intervention; methods; data analysis; results according to batterer-based accounts of DV recidivism results, victim-based accounts of DV recidivism results, and police DV arrest results; and discussion and conclusion. This program has resulted in a slight decrease in controlling behavior and alcohol and drug abuse.

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