Georgia Alabama News

Students Learn Importance of "Everyday Heroes"

by Sara E. Martin, Army Flier Staff Writer

Army Flier
Fort Rucker, AL | September 13, 2012

The gymnasium at Fort Rucker Primary School was filled with students and staff wearing red, white and blue to celebrate Hero Day Sept. 11.

Sept. 11 is recognized as Hero Day at the primary school to celebrate everyday heroes. The special area teachers have been teaching a unit on everyday heroes because the school does not emphasize the remembrance of 9/11 as the children are too young, said Sylvia Thornton, music teacher and publicity officer Fort Rucker Primary.

“We don’t say September 11th or talk about it because of the age of the children. We just talk about heroes, specifically community heroes,” said Shaney Shaffer, educational technologist.

The students have been introduced to books and photos educating them on real-life heroes and the they all drew pictures of their favorite heroes, which were displayed on a Hero Wall down the front stretch of hallway.  

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