ORNL-developed tracking hardware installed on a shipping container in Charleston, South Carolina.
ORNL-developed tracking hardware
installed on a shipping container in Charleston, South Carolina.

Tagging, Tracking, and Locating Systems

Tagging, Tracking, and Locating Systems (TTL) technologies are on the verge of revolutionizing how the world approaches real-time asset management. Essentially, they offer the opportunity to know the status of assets at all times: where they are, whether they are moving, how fast they are moving, and in which direction they are moving. "Assets" could include military cargo, consumer goods, scientific infrastructure, and people.

The RF, Communications, and Intelligent Systems Group is currently applying existing TTL technologies to global applications, while also addressing the technical challenges of new positioning, navigation, and timing techniques. Target applications include all of the major sectors of society (government, commercial, industrial, and military), as well as personal applications.

TTL technologies have the ability to reduce manufacturing costs, increase efficiency in supply chains, automate inventories, track assets from the point of departure to their final destination, and locate lost assets.