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Secretary's Advisory Committee on Animal Health (SACAH)


The Secretary's Advisory Committee on Animal Health (SACAH) advises the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture on matters of animal health and broader issues of public concern. SACAH membership will represent the greater agricultural community and include, for example, animal welfare advocates; local and commercial livestock producers; small and minority farmers; and State and Tribal animal health officials. SACAH will consider and make recommendations on collateral issues involving public health, conservation of natural resources, and the stability of livestock economies.


Charter and Notices


To ensure well-rounded advice and recommendations, Committee membership will represent a broad range of individuals from among the greater animal health community. To the extent practical, committee membership maintain achieve balance with geographically, culturally, and technically diverse perspectives. To be considered for appointment, all nominees/applicants must complete Form AD-755 (ver. 2012) and submit with a resume or CV.

The current SACAH 2012 - 2014 charter is effective August 25, 2012. A Notice of call for nominations for the SACAH had been published in the Federal Register, May 24, 2012. A second Notice regarding the Charter renewal and additional request nominations was published in the Federal Register, August 21, 2012.


Committee Members


To ensure well-rounded advice and recommendations, this Committee represents a broad spectrum of agricultural interests from among the animal health community. Its members will remain culturally, technically, and geographically diverse throughout its tenure. You may communicate with Committee members by sending inquiries, comments, or concerns via email at: SACAH Management@aphis.usda.gov.

Committee members for the new term (2012 - 2014) are pending confirmation and appointment.


More Information on Secretary's Advisory Committee on Animal Health

Last Modified: August 24, 2012

SACAH Meeting Sign-Up

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