Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council
Office of External Affairs

Winter 2012 Activitiy & Meeting Agenda

January 25, 2012
Renaissance Fort Lauderdale Cruise Port Hotel
"Pampero" Room (2nd floor)
1617 Southeast 17th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL





Breakfast is on your own

Draft Agenda

Meeting Minutes

January 25, 2012:

8:30 A.M.

Light morning refreshments in Pampero Room

9:00 A.M


Welcome & Introductions
     - Thom Dammrich, SFBPC Chair

9:10 A.M.

Thom Dammrich, SFBPC Chair

     - Rowan Gould, Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
     - Bryan Arroyo , Assistant Director, Fisheries and Habitat Conservation

9:30 A.M

Florida Presentations

Overview of State of Florida FWCC
     - Nick Wiley, Executive Director, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Overview of the Boating and the Boating Industry in the State of Florida
     - John Sprague & Marine Industry Association of Florida staff

10:15 A.M.

John Sprague & Marine Industry Association of Florida staff
     - Rowan Gould, Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

10:45 A.M.


11:00 A.M.

Update on the activities of the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation

     - Christine Dobday, Vice President for Stakeholder Engagement and Business Development, Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation

11:30 A.M.

Overview of Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Rigs to Reefs Program
     - Herb Leedy, BOEM

12:00 P.M.


1:00 P.M.



1:15 P.M.

"The Pebble Prospect" - An Overview of the Project and its Extensive Environmental Studies
     - Ken Taylor, Vice President for Environment, The Pebble Partnership
     - Duane Gibson, Consultant to The Pebble Partnership, Livingston Group LLC

Ken Taylor BIO - After graduation from Colorado State University in 1970, Ken Taylor began his career in Alaska the following summer as a Fisheries Technician in Bristol Bay. He worked for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game as a wildlife biologist for most of his career with the State in a variety of positions throughout Alaska, including 11 years as the Area Wildlife Biologist in Northern Bristol Bay and six years as a management coordinator for Interior Alaska. He served as the Deputy Director of the Wildlife Division, Director of the Habitat and Restoration Division and Deputy Commissioner for the Department of Fish and Game before retiring from State service to work for the Pebble Partnership as the Vice President for the Environmental Department.


1:45 P.M.

Fish and Wildlife Service Fisheries Program update
     - Bryan Arroyo , Assistant Director, Fisheries and Habitat Conservation

2:15 P.M.

Wind Energy Siting Guidelines
     - Bryan Arroyo, FWS
     - Ned Dikmen,SFBPC memeber

2:45 P.M.


3:00 P.M.

Boating Issues Committee - John Sprague, Chair, SFBPC Boating Issues Committee

Committee update
     - John Sprague & Doug Hobbs

3:20 P.M.

Boating Issues Committee - John Sprague, Chair, SFBPC Boating Issues Committee Committee update - John Sprague & Doug Hobbs

Discussion and update on Fisheries Issues Committee
     - Mike Nussman & Doug Hobbs

3:40 P.M.

Update on NOAA Fisheries Activities & Issues
     - Russell Dunn, National Policy Advisor for Recreational Fisheries, NOAA Fisheries

3:55 P.M.

Boating Issues Committee Work Session
     - Discuss or take actions to close out session or to prepare committee for The New Council Term
     - Biscayne National Park General Management Plan

4:25 P.M.

Open Council Discussion
     - Movement of NOAA into the Department of the Interior

5:00 P.M.




Last updated: January 25, 2012
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