Drinking and Driving
Targeted to Youth
Targeted to Parents
Sample PSAs for Radio
Media Sample PSAs
Prom, Homecoming, Spring Break or Graduation

Media PSAs


Title Which Friend Would You Be?
Theme: Intervention

Three friends are partying: one is about to drive after drinking too much, one is impatient to be on his way, and one sober friend is trying to take the keys.  A voice over asks, Which friend would you be?

Tag Line

Be there for your friends. Let your friends be there for you. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE.

Title The Emergency Room
Theme: Consequences

Flashback from an emergency room scene to a party and crash resulting in the death of the passenger.  The friend who was driving survives and must deal with the guilt.  There is no dialogue, only fast moving flashes of each scene with the line of a heart monitor running over top, beeping throughout, until the last scene where it flat-lines.

Tag Line

I bought the beer but my friend paid for it.


Title No Excuses
Theme: Consequences

Photos of victims killed in crashes caused by drinking drivers are superimposed over the scene of the fatal crash. Each one is followed by the excuse the driver has given for driving while intoxicated.

Tag Line

There's no excuse for drinking and driving.


Title Is That Stupid?
Theme: Intervention

Two friends are at a party; one has had too much to drink is leaving and the other sober friend asks her to call when she gets home.  The scene cuts to another person who turns to the camera and asks Is that stupid, or what? and urges friends to do something while they can, before a crash happens.

Tag Line

Don't let a friend drink and drive.


Title Cool Friend
Theme: Intervention

It's a party scene where everyone is laughing and enjoying themselves.  There is a voice-over with someone saying he cares about his friends and it takes a special type of person to take a stand.  One friend has had too much to drink and leaves the party with another who has had just a little to drink rushing to catch up saying Hold up! I'm driving!

Tag Line

Be a friend. Don't let a friend drink and drive.

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Human Driftwood
Length: 30 seconds
Target: Teens
Platform: Negative Consequences

 Announcer: Okay, we admit that smoking weed won't turn you into human driftwood. But getting high will definitely tap you in a lot of different ways. Take that brain of yours. When marijuana hits, brain function is compromised, messing with everything from motor skills to motivation, resulting in difficulty thinking, listening, and speaking. But, hey, why should I care? It's your brain.

 This message is brought to you by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America and [YOUR ORGANIZATION'S NAME]

Mess Up
Length: 30 seconds
Target: Young Teens
Platform: Resistance Skills

Announcer (intense, yet friendly): I know it isn't easy to say no when a friend offers you marijuana or some other drug. But here's a thought that might make it easier. Next time somebody asks "Hey, you want to get high?" imagine what he's really saying is, "Hey, you wanna mess up?" See, studies have shown that marijuana and other drugs can make you mess up, as in doing poorly in school, even performing worse in sports. So, just substitute "mess up" for "getting high" from now on, which should be easy for a smart kid like you.

This message brought to you by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America and [YOUR ORGANIZATION'S NAME]

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 Believe it or Not
Length: 30 seconds
Target: Parents
Platform: Personal efficacy

 Announcer: Believe it or not, when it comes to marijuana, the first thing your kids think about is you.  They worry that they'll disappoint you, or mess up the relationship they have with you. And, if they use marijuana, eventually they will. So tell them how you feel about marijuana. Because, when it comes to telling your kids about pot, the most important voice they'll hear is yours.

 This message brought to you by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America and [YOUR ORGANIZATION'S NAME]

Never Too Soon
Length: 30 seconds
Target: Parents
Platform: Parenting Skills

Announcer: When is the right time to start talking with children about drugs? Before they hear or see any inviting drug messages or images. Before anyone their age has used it. Before they have a way to obtain it. Before anyone encourages them to try it. Before it becomes thier first step toward substance abuse, school problems, health and safety risks, and illegal activity. Reality check: It's never too soon to talk to your kids about drugs.  Contact [INSERT YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION] or the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information at 1-800-729-6686 for tips on getting started.

 This message is brought to you by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America and [YOUR ORGANIZATION'S NAME]

Now You Know
Length: 30 seconds
Target: Parents
Platform: Your Child at Risk

Announcer: If you knew that substance abuse starts at younger ages than ever before -- even in elementary school -- you would talk to your kids about drugs right now, wouldn't you? If you knew that kids who use marijuana are more likely to be involved in violence, school failure, or injuries, you'd do what you could to prevent it, right? Reality check: Marijuana's a drug, and we need to help our kids understand that. Find out how. Call the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information at 1-800-729-6686 for more information or contact [INSERT YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION] for information on local anti-drug activities.

This message is brought to you by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America and [YOUR ORGANIZATION'S NAME]

Keeping Busy
Length: 30 seconds
Target: Parents
Platform: Parenting Skills

Announcer: When the school day ends, where do your kids go? Do you know? Have you asked? The after-school hours (between 3 and 6) can be the most important hours in your child's entire day, because that is the time when kids and teens are often unsupervised and may begin experimenting with drugs. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to put your mind at ease and keep your teens and pre-teens out of trouble. Encourage your children to get involved in after-school activities such as athletics and drama; get to know their friends; and monitor how they spend their time. Call 1-800-729-6686 for a free copy of Keeping Youth Drug-Free or contact [INSERT YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION] for information on what drug prevention efforts are being conducted in [INSERT YOUR COMMUNITY].

This message is brought to you by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America and [YOUR ORGANIZATION'S NAME]

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Length: 10 seconds each

  •  Alcohol use is a leading cause of injury and death among youth in our community. If you're an educator, teach; if you're a parent, counsel; if you're underage, don't drink.
  •  What's a leading cause of injury and death among youth? Alcohol! Educators, parents, young people -- Know the facts, They're sobering.
  •  Underage youth and alcohol don't mix.  Alcohol is a leading cause of death and injury among young people. Know the facts, They're sobering.
  •  The image of drinking is parties, good times, and being cool. But, the reality is car crashes, missed classes, broken promises, and gripping addiction. Know the facts, They're sobering.
  •  If you're underage, the pressures to try alcohol are real.  So are the consequences: car crashes, fights, drownings, rape, and addiction. Do yourself a favor. Know the facts, They're sobering.
  •  Most teens think alcohol doesn't affect them.  Most parents think their teens aren't drinking. Think again. Know the facts, They're sobering.
  •  Underage drinking makes our highways less safe, our schools less effective, and our future less certain.  Alcohol and teenagers don't mix. Share the message with those you love.
  •  Alcohol use is a leading cause of death among teenagers in our community. Keep 'em alive. Enforce 21. Know the facts, They're sobering.

Length: 20 seconds each

  •  The consequences of underage drinking are serious. Alcohol-related highway deaths are a major killer of teens and young adults today.  Alcohol use is associated with youth homicides, suicides, and drownings.  The solution is simple -- If you're underage, don't be under the influence! Know the facts. They're sobering.
  •  The average college student consumes more than 34 gallons of alcoholic beverages a year. Half a million high school students report weekly drinking binges. Alcohol-related crashes are a leading cause of injury and death among teenagers. The numbers just don't add up, and that's everybody's problem!

Length: 30 seconds

  •  The average college student consumes more than 34 gallons of alcoholic beverages a year. Beer consumption by college students is just short of 4 billion beers. Stack these college beer cans end to end, and the stack would reach the moon and beyond. The typical student spends more money on alcohol than textbooks. Half a million high school students report weekly binges. Alcohol-related crashes are the leading cause of injury and death in teenagers. Know the facts, They're sobering. For more information, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Clearing house for Alcohol and Drug Information at 1-800-729-6686 or online at www.health.org.

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10 Second Spot

  •  High school seniors! Don't be a graduation statistic! Be a survivor! Don't drink or ride with someone who has been drinking. This message is presented by SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions at (name of school.)
  • Did you know? Alcohol is responsible for more than 2,000 deaths of people ages 15 to 20 each year.  This message is presented by SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions at (name of school.)
  • High school seniors! Friendship shouldn't end at graduation -- keep the memories alive! Don't drink and ride with someone who has been drinking. This message is presented by SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions at (name of school.)

20 Second Spot

  • Partying can be cool without alcohol. And driving after drinking isn't cool and isn't fun. It only takes one drink to kill someone -- maybe yourself, maybe your best friend. Do yourself a favor, live until the next party. Don't drink illegally. This message is presented by SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions at (name of school.)
  • Seniors! Graduation is a time for celebration. You may be partying with friends who have been drinking illegally. It may be easier to say nothing than to hassle them about drinking illegally. But this is a situation when your safety and your friends' lives may be at stake. Take a stand! This is message presented by SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions at (name of school.)
  • Your kid is finally home. She's been drinking. You can smell it. You feel the anger build inside your chest because you're scared. You want to say, "Listen to me! Don't drink illegally. I know what I'm talking about. I love you." So say it. This message is presented by SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions at (name of school.)
  • Parents, do you lie awake listening for the sound of the car? You know teens drink. Have you talked to your teenager lately about drinking and driving? Maybe it's time. Help your son or daughter arrive home safely. This message is presented by SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions at (name of school.)

30 Second Spot

  •  Drinking is a funny thing. It can make you feel strong. It can make you feel you're really sharp, really in control. But you're not. When you've been drinking, your reactions are slower and your vision is poor. That's why it's so dangerous to drink and drive. That's why traffic crashes are the number one killer of teens. That's not so funny. Play it smart. Don't drink and drive. This message is presented by SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions at (name of school.)
  •  Did you know that drunk driving causes more than one third of all the teen deaths in highway crashes? That if you drink and then drive, your chances of causing one of these accidents will increase by over one hundred percent? Drinking and driving isn't cool. It isn't smart. Don't be responsible for a senseless tragedy. If you drink and drive, you could regret for the rest of your life. This message is presented by SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions at (name of school.)

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 :15 station read
 It's time to celebrate! [PROM, HOMECOMING, SPRING BREAK, OR GRADUATION] is right around the corner.

 Your friends at [INSERT RADIO STATION] are asking all of you teenagers out there to make the responsible choice. Remember, Zero Tolerance means zero chances. Stay alive -- don't drink and drive.

:30 station read
 [PROM, HOMECOMING, SPRING BREAK, OR GRADUATION] is right around the corner and that means parties -- and alcohol. If you are under 21, it's against the law to drink. But did you know that people under 21 cannot have ANY alcohol in their bloodstream under the state's Zero Tolerance Law? And if caught, you could face severe penalties. Your friends at [INSERT RADIO STATION] want you to have a safe and sober [PROM, HOMECOMING, SPRING BREAK, OR GRADUATION].

Before you drink, THINK. Zero Tolerance means zero chances.

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  :30 second version
You and your friends are finally on your way to the prom. You've found the perfect outfit, and you want to show up looking great. So, you decide not to buckle up. But, what about not showing up at all? Riding unbuckled could mess up more than just your clothes. It could mess up your future. Get you and your friends there safely. Enjoy the prom. Buckle up.

 This message is brought to you by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and the US Department of Transportation.

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