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Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of software are available?

Scientific and technical software packages in the ESTSC collection can be used for a variety of applications. In many cases, the packages are available in multiple platforms, such as PC, workstation, or supercomputer, to allow the software to be used on different computers and operating systems.

Who can purchase software?

Most scientific and technical software available from the ESTSC has unlimited availability and is available to all requesters. Copyrighted software inquiries may be responded to by ESTSC staff or may be referred to the copyright holder.  Foreign requests may be referred to the DOE Headquarters office for review.

What software should be submitted to ESTSC?

Organizations and individuals who have developed and/or modified software during work supported by DOE or during work carried out for others at DOE facilities are required to announce the software with the appropriate announcement record to ESTSC (per DOE O 241.1B), if the software:

  • meets the definition of STI, which consists of findings resulting from research and development (R&D) efforts and science and technology work of scientists, researchers, and engineers, and
  • is known or expected to be useful inside or outside the DOE community, or is not specific to the originating site; and
  • is a stable, usable, and documented version (i.e., the software is not under initial development), and has undergone all appropriate reviews for sensitivity and export control.
Exclusions. The following types of software should not be announced to ESTSC.
  • Operational systems software that is site-specific, unique to a particular hardware, or necessary to ensure the fundamental operability of automated data processing equipment, whether supplied by the manufacturer of the system hardware or others;
  • Computer software programs developed and/or modified during work carried out for others at DOE facilities that are specifically excluded in the agreement under which the non DOE funded work was performed.
  • Software generated under the auspices of the Energy Information Administration.
  • Specific software used by power administrations for the operation, control, planning, and modeling of electric power transmission systems and the interconnected utilities. However, modifications/enhancements to portions of this software that are not an integral part of the whole and have potential application outside the power administrations should be announced.

Use the Software Best Practices document for more information on the internal review, announcement and dissemination of software.

How are orders processed?

Orders are received by telephone (865-576-2606), fax (865-576-6436), E-mail: (, or written request addressed to the Energy Science and Technology Software Center, P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 37831.

Under normal circumstances, the Center will begin to process the order for software the day it is received, if payment and site license agreement are in order. In the event that forms are not in order, the ESTSC will contact the requester. No further action will be taken until all required information and/or payment is received.

The software package is normally disseminated within three to five working days after the order has been fully processed and is normally delivered by first class U.S. mail. If requested, your account will be charged for other delivery methods chosen.

Full payment and a license agreement for the software ordered must be received by the Center before an order is processed. Payment must be made to the Center in U.S. currency using financial instruments drawn on U.S. banks. The Center also accepts, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Private Issue, and Bravo.

How can I contact ESTSC?

Contact ESTSC by telephone: (865-576-2606), fax: (865-576-6436), or e-mail: (

For regular U.S. mail:
U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Science and Technology Software Center
P.O. Box 62
Oak Ridge, TN 37831

For Overnight Shipment:
U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Science and Technology Software Center
1 Way
Oak Ridge, TN 37830