WMD, Nonproliferation, and Arms Control

Latest from USIP on WMD, Nonproliferation, and Arms Control

  • May 8, 2012   |   Course

    The Strategic Economic Needs and Security Exercise (SENSE), originally developed by the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA), is a computer-facilitated simulation that focuses on negotiations and decision-making in a post-conflict environment.

  • May 7, 2012   |   Publication

    On May 2, USIP hosted NATO Defense College (NDC) Senior Course 120, which consisted of 74 senior military officers from 31 countries worldwide, as part of the group's Transatlantic Field Study trip to Washington, DC. NDC Dean Dr. Richard Hooker and Brigadier General Patrick Desjardins of France, dean of Academic Operations, led the delegation; Daria Daniels Skodnik coordinated the trip for NDC.

  • April 12, 2012   |   Publication

    John Park, a senior program officer who directs USIP's Korea Working Group, examines what North Korea's planned long-range missile test reveals about the hermit nation and what the after effects will be for the key parties.

  • April 11, 2012   |   Publication

    Talks between Iran and a group known as the P5 plus 1 (the five United Nations Security Council permanent members plus Germany) on Iran’s nuclear programs are expected to begin on April 14 in Istanbul, Turkey. The resumption of negotiations might represent an important juncture in the long saga of international efforts to restrain and verify the nature of Iran’s nuclear efforts, which Tehran contends is intended to develop energy sources and conduct research but which the United States and other key international players suspect is a bid to develop the capability to produce nuclear weapons.

  • April 3, 2012   |   Publication

    April 4, 2012 is the International Day for Landmine Awareness. The day is sponsored by the United Nations and has been observed every year since 2006. USIP's Global Peacebuilding Center is marking Landmine Awareness Day by highlighting resources and activities.

  • March 26, 2012   |   Publication

    John Park, a senior program officer who directs USIP’s Korea Working Group, examines North Korea’s preparations for a “satellite launch,” which has cast a long shadow over the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit

  • March 20, 2012   |   Course

    Understand the roles of arms control and nonproliferation regimes, as well as the U.S. strategic posture, in confronting the challenges of nuclear weapons, with a special focus on the growing role of China as a regional and world power, and the dangers of North Korea’s nuclear weapons capability at a time of regime transition.

  • March 8, 2012   |   Publication

    As tensions between Iran and Israel heat up, and with the announcement that world powers will resume nuclear talks with Iran, USIP’s Dan Brumberg assesses the latest state of play, and whether the use of force is inevitable.

  • March 1, 2012   |   Publication

    John Park, a senior program officer who directs USIP’s Korea Working Group, analyzes the U.S.-North Korea agreement announced on February 29. The North Koreans will suspend nuclear activities at its Yongbyon complex and long-range missile tests, and the U.S. will provide 240,000 tons of nutritional assistance to North Korea. While it may not be a breakthrough, this agreement does constitute a modest initial step forward in dealing with North Korea.

  • February 29, 2012   |   Course

    Examine the challenges and implications of Iran’s nuclear program and Pakistan’s expanding nuclear arsenal, in terms both of regional stability and the global nonproliferation regime. Increase your understanding of the role of nuclear weapons in international security challenges and of ways to manage the threats they pose.

  • December 20, 2011   |   Publication

    The Obama administration’s reaffirmation of American engagement in the Asia-Pacific region for strategic and economic reasons is welcome, but describing it as a “pivot” toward the region in the wake of U.S.-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan neglects the continuity through decades of U.S. involvement in the region, three senior foreign policy figures from the United States, Japan and South Korea said at a forum sponsored by the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) on December 15.

  • December 15, 2011   |   Event

    On December 15th, USIP hosted a panel of current and former officials from the U.S., Japan and South Korea that examined the post-2012 political, economic and security landscape in Northeast Asia following leadership changes – both democratically facilitated and planned.  Against this background, the panel assessed challenges and opportunities for the U.S., Japan and South Korea.

  • November 7, 2011   |   Publication

    This week, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is scheduled to release a report on the status of Iran’s nuclear weapons program. USIP’s Dan Brumberg discusses the possible impact of the report.

  • October 2, 2011   |   Publication

    The Institute’s Academy for International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding held the course in nuclear nonproliferation Sept. 26-30. And, for the first time ever, an undersecretary of state, Ellen Tauscher, spoke to an Academy class. Tauscher is the undersecretary of state for Arms Control and International Security Affairs.

  • September 26, 2011   |   Publication

    Nuclear security expert Micah Lowenthal calls on science diplomacy, which played a key role in promoting U.S.-Soviet cooperation, to renewed engagement on current issues: nonproliferation, countering nuclear terrorism, verification of nuclear treaties, and ballistic missile defense.