
  • USIP's John Park discusses international efforts to deal with North Korea's nuclear ambitions, the differences between the Obama and Bush administrations' policies toward North Korea, the speculation on the country's leadership succession and the Institute's work to improve the understanding of North Korea and facilitate negotiations.

  • About 150 leading policymakers, scholars, diplomats, and NGO leaders participated in an all-day conference entitled "Preventing Violent Conflict: Principles, Policies and Practice," organized by the U.S. Institute of Peace's Center for Conflict Analysis and Prevention on July 1, 2010.

  • Panel II: Cross-Cutting Challenges: About 150 leading policymakers, scholars, diplomats, and NGO leaders participated in an all-day conference entitled "Preventing Violent Conflict: Principles, Policies and Practice," organized by the U.S. Institute of Peace's Center for Conflict Analysis and Prevention on July 1, 2010.

  • About 150 leading policymakers, scholars, diplomats, and NGO leaders participated in an all-day conference entitled "Preventing Violent Conflict: Principles, Policies and Practice," organized by the U.S. Institute of Peace's Center for Conflict Analysis and Prevention on July 1, 2010.

  • In November 2005, the United Nations announced the completion of its program to disarm and demobilize more than 60,000 members of the Afghanistan Military Forces. Coincidentally, the U.S. was building a new Afghanistan National Army to face the threat from a resurgent Taliban. What was the relationship between these seemingly incongruous actions? This event took place on February 3, 2011.

  • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered a speech on nuclear nonproliferation to the United States Institute of Peace, coinciding with the Institute’s 25th anniversary.

  • On March 11, 2011, USIP co-hosted an event with the Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) in Islamabad on the issues of the Pakistan-India relationship.

  • In light of the national security importance of India-Pakistan relations, USIP supports two Track-II dialogues on normalization between the two nuclear powers. On July 12, participants from these dialogues and Congressional experts discussed outcomes to expect from reemerging official dialogue between India and Pakistan, and what these talks could mean for stability in South Asia.

  • USIP's Paul Hughes discusses the formation and mandate of the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States as well as some of the commission's key findings and recommendations, such as reengaging Russia and strengthening the international nonproliferation regime.