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MC4 Systems used Throughout Korea

January 5, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

I recently met with the staff of the 8th U.S. Army, 65th Medical Brigade and 2nd Infantry Division to discuss MC4 fielding and training efforts throughout the Republic of Korea (ROK).

Systems Throughout Korea

MC4 recently completed the fielding of MC4 systems throughout the ROK. Now, resources in the area are focused on helping the units to improve their use of the medical IT systems through continuous support and training.

MC4 PMO is working with commanders to help them streamline their medical business practices, thus enabling the unit to fully leverage the capabilities of the MC4 system. Additionally, MC4 will conduct systems training on a biannual basis, enabling greater familiarity than our previous annual training session.

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The new president is going to give physicians monetary incentives for adopting health IT. In the new $20B health IT stimulus plan, they say that incentivizing physicians to use new technology will lead to further adoption of EMR systems. What incentives do doctors have in the military to use this EMR system? Do they get pay increases or is using this system a mark toward their promotion?

February 16, 2009

MC4 to Support Cobra Gold

January 4, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Field training exercises offer a great opportunity for users to gain hands-on experience with MC4 systems prior to deployment. In February 2009, units supporting United States Pacific Command, as well as Army Reserve units, will have the opportunity to hone their electronic medical recording skills during the Cobra Gold exercise in Thailand.

The annual multi-forces exercise is designed to ensure regional peace, as well as strengthen the ability of the Royal Thai Armed Forces to defend Thailand or respond to regional contingencies. MC4 will participate in the six-week event for the first time, offering training and systems support.

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Outstanding work on the front lines.

January 6, 2009

MC4 Training at CRC

January 3, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Deploying medical units going through the CONUS Replacement Center (CRC) receive MC4 computer-based training modules on CD-ROM. The disks are valuable tools that allow medical personnel, logisticians and commanders to conduct self-paced training on the systems they will employ while conducting their missions in theater. The CBTs also augment MC4 classroom training that Soldiers may receive prior to attending CRC.

While the CBTs are an effective resource, MC4 believes classroom training should be required while units attend CRC, as it improves familiarity with the system. Medical task force commanders also understand the importance of hands-on MC4 training. They have routinely asked to have their staff trained while attending CRC. Because many medical personnel do not receive training on MC4 systems prior to deployment, mandatory MC4 classroom training at CRC will help close that gap in educating users on a theater-required system, while meeting the demands of medical commanders.

The biggest challenge we are told is that the schedules of deploying forces are full and cannot fit another training class into the agenda.

MC4 PMO will continue to work with the leaders of CRC, Army Medical Command, Army Forces Command and Army Reserve Command surgeons to incorporate mandatory MC4 training into the CRC curriculum.

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DOD Locks Down Removable Storage Devices

January 2, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In November, the Army Global Network Operations and Security Center released a directive to immediately disable portable storage devices connected to DOD computers in response to a massive outbreak of malicious software on Army systems. This order encompasses thumb drives, USB hard drives and SD cards.

MC4 Product Management Office (PMO) understands the importance of the security measure and adheres to all security policies, but the mandate has had a profound effect on battlefield medical recording.

Medical personnel at level I facilities now have difficulty transferring patient data, collected with MC4 handheld devices at the point-of-injury, to networked computers. The handhelds store the data on removable SD cards, so by prohibiting use of SD cards with MC4 handhelds, the devices for recording patient care are rendered useless. There are approximately 10,000 handheld systems deployed to theater at any given time.

MC4 laptops and servers also require regular software upgrades to maintain functional and technical integrity. Previously, MC4’s deployed technical support team carried software updates and patches on a single thumb drive or on a portable hard drive. The new order now requires support personnel to perform system maintenance using multiple CD-ROMs and DVDs, media that has historically failed to withstand theater wear-and-tear. As a result, MC4’s support services have slowed. Performing system upgrades via the Web remains impractical due to a continued strain on bandwidth.

MC4 is working with the Office of the Surgeon General to determine solutions for transferring critical medical data from MC4 handhelds to MC4 laptops, as well as alternative methods to streamline system maintenance. I will keep you informed as these topics progress.

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