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MC4’s Quality Assurance/Quality Control Initiative Continues

February 4, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In order to provide uniform training and high quality systems support to you, our customers, MC4 PMO implemented a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) initiative in 2008. This effort is program wide and will continue to have an impact in 2009.

Since the QA/QC initiative launched, a QC tiger team visited three CONUS regions and 10 support sites located in Southwest Asia (SWA) to assess MC4 internal support efforts and to educate MC4 support personnel on best business practices. The assessment focused on four key areas that have an impact on MC4 support: operations, systems support, application training and customer relations.

As the QC team identified areas that needed improvement, changes were made immediately or were brought to the attention of MC4 PMO to be addressed. Additionally, we have developed a theater support plan to document MC4 standard operating procedures and to address recurring challenges.

As a result of the QA/QC initiative, we are currently developing new processes in order maintain MC4 system knowledge and readiness of MC4’s technical support teams (TSTs). The processes include subjective assessments and follow-on training to be conducted at each of MC4’s three CONUS region support offices, and detailed checklists to track the proficiency of MC4 TSTs in various categories, including systems sustainment, troubleshooting and training.

MC4 TST members will be revaluated and certified on an annual basis to ensure that their skills remain sharp. This year, our QA/QC initiative will expand into other focus areas, including systems integration, testing and evaluation.

While MC4’s QA/QC initiative improves internal procedures and the knowledge base of MC4 TSTs, the implementation of new processes and internal training for TSTs has already improved systems support and customer relations based on recent feedback from theater. I hope to continue to build upon these successes and encourage you to provide MC4 feedback through our online user survey.

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I believe QA/QC improves the knowledge base and MC4 classroom training will help troops understand electronic medical record-keeping.

February 3, 2009

New MC4 Assistant Product Manager

February 3, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In December, Capt. Andy Nuce joined MC4 PMO as an assistant product manager. In addition to his leadership, he brings an extensive knowledge of medical logistics (MEDLOG). He also understands how MEDLOG personnel use MC4 in theater, having served two rotations in Iraq. Capt. Nuce will be a tremendous asset to MC4 as we continue to increase support to the MEDLOG community.

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