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US DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing MIS Data Collection Form

Employers subject to DOT or USCG drug and alcohol testing regulations must submit their annual drug and alcohol testing data as required by their respective DOT Agency or the USCG.

The annual drug and alcohol testing data being submitted for a specific calendar year is to be submitted by March 15th of the following calendar year. Example:

If you are required to submit drug and alcohol testing data for the calendar year of 2010, then you must submit your data by March 15, 2011.

When submitting their drug and alcohol testing data, employers are to use the following Drug and Alcohol Testing MIS Data Collection Form and instructions:

  • MIS Data Collection Form and Instruction Sheet Link to PDF Document

Most DOT Agencies and the USCG now permit (and prefer) you to submit the required drug and alcohol testing data via the internet. If you submit the data via the internet, you are not required to submit a hardcopy. It is recommended employers have a copy of their data available (either hard copy or in electronic format) in the event an auditor or inspector requests a copy.

The following table contains links to DOT Agency and USCG specific web pages that contain instructions on and links to submitting the drug and alcohol testing data via the internet.

When Employers are required to submit Drug and Alcohol Testing MIS Data
Links to Instructions and to Internet Reporting
See Note 1
(14 CFR Part 120.119 and 120.219(b))
Upon Request from FMCSA
(49 CFR Part 382.403)
Each Calendar Year
(49 CFR Part 219.800)
Upon Request from FTA
(49 CFR Part 655.72)
See Note 2
(49 CFR Part 199.119 & 229)
Each Calendar Year
(46 CFR Part 16.500)
  • Note 1:
    • Each part 121 certificate holder:
      • each calendar year
    • Entity with 50 or more employees performing safety-sensitive functions that conducts alcohol and drug misuse prevention programs:
      • each calendar year
    • All aviation employers not included above:
      • upon request from FAA
  • Note 2:
    • More than 50 covered employees:
      • each calendar year
    • 50 or fewer covered employees:
      • upon request from PHMSA

Employers who have additional questions regarding the MIS Data Collection form and reporting process are to contact their respective DOT Agency or USCG program manager.

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