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As Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki meets with President Barack Obama and other U.S. government officials in Washington, D.C. this week, USIP’s Sam Parker discusses the issues surrounding the U.S. military draw down from Iraq, the state of U.S.-Iraqi relations, the prime minister’s agenda and goals with this visit and USIP’s role in Iraq since 2004.

Former U.S. ambassador to Israel Samuel W. Lewis moderates a panel discussion on the themes of Landrum Bolling's new short film "New Hope for Peace: What America Must Do to End the Israel-Palestine Conflict."

Watch USIP's Manal Omar discuss the state of security in Iraq following the drawdown of U.S. forces, how the country has changed since 2003 and the Institute's work in that country.

USIP on July 10 hosted two panel discussions on the importance of creating conditions for long-term stability and the prospects of negotiating with the Taliban in the Afghanistan and Pakistan region.

USIP on July 10 hosted two panel discussions on the importance of creating conditions for long-term stability and the prospects of negotiating with the Taliban in the Afghanistan and Pakistan region.

USIP on July 10 hosted two panel discussions on the importance of creating conditions for long-term stability and the prospects of negotiating with the Taliban in the Afghanistan and Pakistan region.

USIP on July 10 hosted two panel discussions on the importance of creating conditions for long-term stability and the prospects of negotiating with the Taliban in the Afghanistan and Pakistan region.

USIP on July 10 hosted two panel discussions on the importance of creating conditions for long-term stability and the prospects of negotiating with the Taliban in the Afghanistan and Pakistan region.

USIP's Paul Hughes discusses the formation and mandate of the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States as well as some of the commission's key findings and recommendations, such as reengaging Russia and strengthening the international nonproliferation regime.

In an event titled 'Online Discourse in the Arab World: Dispelling the Myths,' USIP and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society presented findings from an unprecedented, comprehensive mapping of the Arabic-language blogosphere.