Video Gallery

On October 19, the U.S. Institute of Peace marks its 25th anniversary. Watch key officials discuss the Institute’s milestones, growth over the years, and aspirations for the decades to come.

In September 2009, USIP grantee Gretchen Peters, author of "How Opium Profits the Taliban," discussed the drug trade in Afghanistan, the Obama administration's counterinsurgency strategy and the implications of continued U.S. efforts to stabilize the country.

Senior Program Officer Matt Levinger discusses USIP's Foundations of Conflict Analysis Course.

This is the third video in a series of three.

This is the second video in a series of three.

On 21 September, the United States Institute of Peace hosted a public event to help launch a new report from the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS) titled Mobilizing the Will to Intervene: Leadership and Action to Prevent Mass Atrocities.  This is the first part in a series of three videos.

USIP’s Noah Coburn discusses the fraud allegations in Afghanistan's presidential elections and USIP's work to help the country implement an effective justice system.

USIP’s Matt Levinger discusses Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki's call for a referendum on the U.S.-Iraq Status of Forces Agreement, its potential impact on the Obama administration's policy toward Iraq, and how the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine could be invoked to help prevent violence in northern Iraq.

Sam Lewis, former USIP president and ambassador to Israel, discusses the current challenges facing the Obama administration as it works to restart the Middle East peace process.

Author and former ambassador John W. Limbert in September 2009 discusses his newly published book “Negotiating with Iran: Wrestling the Ghosts of History,” and how the U.S. should approach Iran at the negotiating table as well as what he learned from his experience as a hostage during the Iranian crisis in 1979.