Consumer - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Consumer - Accuracy FAQs

Does the CPSC guarantee that information in the Database is accurate?

No. The CPSC does not have the resources to individually verify every Report and manufacturer comment received. Thus, the CPSC does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information in the Database, especially in information submitted by persons outside the CPSC. Language stating that that the CPSC does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of information in the Database will appear as a disclaimer throughout the Database and on any documents printed from the Database (See Business - Accuracy).

If I accidentally name the wrong manufacturer in my Report, will the Report still be posted?

Your Report is likely to be sent to the manufacturer or private labeler named in your Report first. If the manufacturer or private labeler you have identified does not believe they have been identified correctly, they can submit a claim to the CPSC that the Report contains materially inaccurate information, and ask the CPSC to correct the information. If the CPSC determines that the manufacturer has been misidentified, we cannot publish your Report in the Database until 10 business days after transmission of the Report to the correct manufacturer or private labeler. If you realize after submitting a Report that you have made a mistake in identifying the manufacturer or discover that you have misidentified any other important information in the Report, please contact us immediately, in writing, to let us know about the error. Send corrections to:

Consumer Product Safety Commission
Attn: Clearinghouse
4330 East West Highway
Bethesda, MD 20814-4408

What is materially inaccurate information?

Materially inaccurate information is information in a Report or a manufacturer comment that is false or misleading, and that is so substantial and important as to affect a reasonable consumer's decision making about the product.

If a manufacturer claims that my Report has materially inaccurate information, will it be removed from the site?

Not necessarily. If a manufacturer makes a claim that a Report contains materially inaccurate information, the CPSC will review the claim and make a determination whether the manufacturer has met its burden to establish a material inaccuracy in the Report. If the CPSC determines that information in a Report is materially inaccurate before the Report is posted, it must resolve the inaccuracy before publishing the Report in the Database. The CPSC will favor correction of information, and the addition of information to correct a Report over excluding entire Reports from the Database. If correcting a Report removes any of the minimum required information for publication, the Report cannot be posted in the Database. The corrected Report, nevertheless, will be maintained by the CPSC.

If a manufacturer submits a claim that a Report contains materially inaccurate information after the Report is published in the Database, or if the CPSC cannot make a determination before the 10th business day, any information that the CPSC later determines to be materially inaccurate will be corrected within seven business days of such a determination.

Can I file a claim that a manufacturer comment contains materially inaccurate information? How?

Yes. Any person can make a claim at any time that information in a Report or a manufacturer comment is materially inaccurate. (See Business - Accuracy)

To submit a claim to the CPSC that information in the Database is materially inaccurate, members of the general public must send a claim directed to the Consumer Product Safety Commission by email at, or postal mail:

Consumer Product Safety Commission
Attn: Clearinghouse
4330 East West Highway
Bethesda, MD 20814-4408

The person asserting a claim of materially inaccurate information bears the burden of proof and must:

  1. State the unique identifier of the Report or manufacturer comment to which the request for a determination of materially inaccurate information pertains;
  2. Specifically identify the exact portion(s) of the Report or manufacturer comment claimed to be materially inaccurate;
  3. State the basis for the allegation that such information is materially inaccurate;
  4. Provide evidence, which may include documents, statements, electronic mail, Internet links, photographs, or any other evidence, sufficient for the CPSC to make a determination that the designated information is materially inaccurate;
  5. State what relief the requester is seeking: exclusion of the entire Report or manufacturer comment, redaction of specific information, correction of specific information; or the addition of information to correct the material inaccuracy;
  6. State whether and how an alleged material inaccuracy may be corrected without removing or excluding an entire Report or manufacturer comment; and
  7. State whether the person submitting the allegation of material inaccuracy is authorized to make claims of material inaccuracy on behalf of the person or organization concerned.

Additionally, persons submitting such claim must (a) verify that the information in the claim is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge, information, and belief; and (b) certify in writing that they intend, in good faith, to assist the CPSC in the defense of any judicial proceeding that may be brought thereafter to compel the disclosure of information that the CPSC has determined to be materially inaccurate information.

What action will the CPSC take with regard to a claim that a manufacturer comment contains materially inaccurate information?

If the CPSC makes a determination, after investigation, that a manufacturer's comment published in the Database contains materially inaccurate information, CPSC shall notify the person making the claim of its determination, and how CPSC intends to resolve the inaccuracy. CPSC then has seven business days to take one of the following actions:

  1. Remove the information determined to be materially inaccurate;
  2. Correct the materially inaccurate information, and, if the minimum requirements for publication are still met, maintain the manufacturer comment in the Database; or
  3. Add information to the manufacturer comment to correct the materially inaccurate information, and, if the minimum requirements for publication are still met, maintain the manufacturer comment in the Database.

What happens if it is discovered that someone knowingly provides false information on a Report or a manufacturer comment?

If it is discovered that someone knowingly provides false information on a Report or a manufacturer comment, we will take action to remove materially inaccurate information from the Database. In addition, we will review the facts of each case, and where circumstances warrant, will seek legal remedies against those involved. (See Business - Accuracy)

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Consumer - Registration FAQs

Why should a person filing a Report with the CPSC register?

Registering with the CPSC will allow a submitter to save a draft of the Report for up to 30 days so that they can come back to work on the Report at a later time before submitting the Report.

Also, by registering with the CPSC, or by providing your email address in the Report, we can send you updates on the status of your Report. We can notify you when the Report is sent to the identified manufacturer; whether the manufacturer has submitted a comment; and when the Report is posted in the Database.

Registration information only will be used for the purposes above. (See also Business - Registration).

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CPSC does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of the Publicly Available Consumer Product Safety Information Database on, particularly with respect to information submitted by people outside of CPSC.