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Displaying 1 – 25 of 593 Awards
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: Autonomous planning of space-based unmanned craft is at the cutting edge of science and technology. Problems associated with planning arise when multiple independent agents each on separate spacecraft must work in a coordinated fashion for a combined mission. This proposal examines the ramifications… more
Company: AC MATERIALS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: AC Materials proposes development of a 4 micron Ho:BaY2F8 laser pumped by a Cr:LISAF laser in response to Air Force needs for an efficient pulsed source in the 3-5 micron region. Under the Phase I program lasing at 3.9 micron was demonstrated, with over 30mJ power per pulse. The Phase II effort… more
Company: AC MATERIALS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 2
Abstract: AC Materials proposes development of a 4 micron Ho:BaY2F8 laser pumped by a Cr:LISAF laser in response to Air Force needs for an efficient pulsed source in the 3-5 micron region. Under the Phase I program lasing at 3.9 micron was demonstrated, with over 30mJ power per pulse. The Phase II effort… more
Company: ACUSOFT, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: After Action Review is an essential part of both the training and actual combat environment. Sophisticated AAR Tools, such as PowerSTRIPES, have been developed for use in the modeling and simulation environment. These tools allow users to collect thedata, transform the data as useful information,… more
Company: ACUSOFT, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: In this SBIR, AcuSoft will research and develop advanced, real-time PC Image Generation technology, as well as develop tools and integrate the required capabilities using PC image generators. The resultant products will provide to the DOD M&S communitythe advanced real-time image generation… more
Company: ADTECH SYSTEMS RESEARCH, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: A program is proposed that will extend (and build upon) the work already started by the Survivability Group of the Composites Affordability Initiative, Pervasive Team in developing methods for analyzing the effects of ballistic and hydrodynamic ram (HRAM)loading and damage in bonded/co-cured… more
Company: Advanced Technologies/Laboratories Intl Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: N/A
Company: Advanced Technologies/Laboratories Intl Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 2
Abstract: N/A
Company: III-N TECHNOLOGY, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: The research proposed here is built on the recent successful fabrication of the first electrically-pumped III-nitride micro-size LED, micro-size LED arrays, and waveguides by the principal investigator's research group at Kansas State University. Newphysical phenomena and properties begin to… more
Company: Advanced Liquid Crystal Technologies Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: N/A
Company: Advanced Liquid Crystal Technologies Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (Provided by Applicant): A use has recently been proposed for hyperpolarized noble gases as an MIRI contrast enhancer for e.g. MRJ of the lungs and other vacuous spaces. In all applications using hyperpolarized gases, it is important to measure its polarization.… more
Company: ADVANCED PROJECTS RESEARCH, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: The development of a pre-compressor mass injection system for extending the flight Mach number and altitude of conventional military afterburning turbofan engines is proposed. The injection of water and liquid oxidizer such as liquid oxygen can be used toenhance the performance of these engines so… more
Company: ADVANCED THIN FILM, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: Transparent Conducting Oxide (TCO) coatings play a crucial role in both photovoltaicand display technologies. In the latter technology TCO's provide a conductiveelectrode that is also transparent to the light emitted from the underlying displaywhile, in the former technology, TCO's allow light to… more
Company: AERO THERMO TECHNOLOGY, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: Reusable launch vehicles currently being designed by the United States Air Force and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration require innovative structural components that are both light weight and able to withstand the severe thermal environmentsof reentry without time consuming and… more
Company: AERO THERMO TECHNOLOGY, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: This proposal addresses full digital control of the Line of Sight (LOS) Stabilization system required for advanced infra-red (IR) seekers employing strap down sensors and inertially stabilized optics, while maintaining the LOS degrees of freedom to supportmissile interceptor requirements.The effort… more
Company: AGILE SYSTEMS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 2
Abstract: The Navy has determined that manning is the single largest cost component in naval operations, and has mandated that crew size on future ships be reduced dramatically. NSWCCD believes opportunities exist to employ automation technology to replace sailorsin what is perhaps the Navy's most… more
Company: Agro-Plastics, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: USDA / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: Agro-Plastics, Inc. has successfully developed and is commercializing a process that uses agricultural fibers as fillers in virgin plastics. The Agro-Plastic manufacturing plants are designed for small communities, providing employment and non-farm revenues at a time when small rural communities are… more
Company: AGUILA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 2
Abstract: There is an emerging need within military electronics for protection of electronics from the adverse effects of high power electromagnetic radiation. The Department of Defense has a requirement to ensure survivability of important military C3 and weaponssystems against the effects of… more
Company: AGUILA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOE / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: 65672 Manufacturing methods for CdZnTe gamma and x-ray pixel detectors, used in medical imaging, are relatively immature. One difficulty with CdZnTe as a detector material is that CdZnTe is more brittle than silicon, so standard bonding approaches frequently result in craters in the detector as… more
Company: AGUILA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: The principal technology for removing heat from a device remains thermal conduction. In direct chip attach applications the primary path for heat is through the gap between the chip and a heat dissipation device. The thermal properties of the adhesivesthat fill that gap are increasingly dictating… more
Company: Chromotrax, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: We propose a breakthrough technique for ultra rapid, sensitive detection of cancer specific chromosome rearrangements in solution to facilitate bulk quantification of tumor cells for early detection of metastatic tumor cells in bone marrow, lymph nodes,and peripheral blood. Combining two separate,… more
Company: ANALYTIC POWER LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: Diesel fuel processors, the largest and most expensive system in a fuel cell power plant, are decidedly not modular. Every change in power specification means a change in fuel processor design. They have at least five reactors and many more heatexchangers. They require a plethora of power consuming… more
Company: ANALYTICAL ENGINEERING, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: This program will eliminate all lubrication oil and oil filter replacement in the HMMWV and FMTV for the entire vehicle service life. This will be accomplished by delivering to the US Army a retrofit lubrication filter, immediately compatible withexisting hardware, which will install and operate in… more
Company: ANASAZI BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION: (Applicant's Description) The goal of this SBIR application is to develop [1-123]-labeled sigma-2 receptor imaging agents for Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) studies of breast cancer. This approach is… more
Company: ANDREWS SPACE, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / SBIR / 2001 / 1
Abstract: The Alchemist system we are proposing is a combined-cycle system which reduces Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) liftoff weights by a factor of four relative to all-rocket systems. This reduces the weight of major elements (e.g. Jet engines, wing, and landing gear)by 60%, and allows us the margin to use… more
Displaying 1 – 25 of 593 Awards
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