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Regional, State, and Local Funding Opportunities

EPA has developed this guide of regional, state, and local funding resources to assist local and state governments, communities, and non-governmental organizations who are addressing the varied aspects of smart growth. Click here for national-level funding resources.

Please note that this list is not an exhaustive compilation of all possible funding resources in the smart growth arena. It lists state government programs and directories of funding sources maintained by outside organizations.


U.S. EPA Regional Brownfields Grants:


Caltrans: Safe Routes to School FundingLink to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Funds projects that improve conditions for children to safely walk and bicycle to school.

California State Parks: Recreational Trails Program Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Funds recreational trails and related projects.


Colorado Office of Smart Growth: Heritage Planning Grants Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Assists communities cooperatively planning to manage growth.


Department of Community Affairs: Grants and Loans Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Community development and economic development grants and loans.


Department of the Environment: Grants and Other Financial Assistance Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Financial assistance on issues such as water quality and brownfields.

Department of Planning: Clearinghouse Grant Resource Center Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
The department does not offer grants but lists funding resources.


Commonwealth Capital Funding Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Commonwealth Capital supports planning and zoning measures that are in accord with administration policy and encourages municipalities to implement them by linking state spending programs to municipal land use practices.

Department of Environmental Protection: Grants Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Grants and financial assistance available for environmental protection efforts.

Energy and Environmental Affairs: Grant and Loan GuideLink to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Helps communities, nonprofits, and private landowners protect open space and provide outdoor recreation experiences through access to financial support, planning tools, and technical assistance.

Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development: Grant and Funding Programs Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Offers programs, funding, and technical assistance to support the advancement towards self-sufficiency of low-income households and the revitalization of cities and towns.


Department of Agriculture: Farmland Preservation Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Assistance in Preserving farmland and open space.

Department of Environmental Quality: Grants and Loans Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Financial assistance to help protect and enhance environmental quality.

Michigan State Housing Development Authority: Historic Preservation Incentives Programs Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Grants and tax incentives to promote historic preservation and reuse.


Metropolitan Council: Grant Applications and ResourcesLink to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Funds livable communities and affordable housing programs.

Pollution Control Agency: Environmental Assistance Grants and Loans Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Assists projects that protect, conserve, and improve Minnesota's air, land, and water resources.


Department of Natural Resources: Grants and Loans Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Funding for environmental and community programs.

New Jersey

Department of Community Affairs: Grants Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Grants for planning and community improvements.

Department of Environmental Protection: Grant and Loan Programs Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Links to state funding programs for environmental and community issues.

Smart Growth Gateway: State Agency Funding Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Lists funding opportunities available through New Jersey state agencies.

New York

New York Bicycling Coalition: Possible Funding Sources for Bicycle and Pedestrian-Related Projects Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
List of state and federal funding sources for bicycle- and pedestrian-related projects.

Division of Coastal Resources: Grant Opportunities Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Funding opportunities for community revitalization.

Division of Housing & Community Renewal: Main Street Funding Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Provides funding for Main Street and downtown revitalization efforts and is a resource for communities looking for financial and technical assistance to revitalize their Main Street.

Landmark Society: Funding for Historic Preservation Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Historic preservation funding opportunities for homeowners, religious institutions, nonprofit organizations, municipalities, and developers.

North Carolina

State Historic Preservation Office: Federal and State Historic Preservation Tax Credits Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Outlines preservation tax credits offered for historic properties located in the state.


City of Portland, Office of Sustainable Development: Green Investment Fund Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Supports innovative green building projects in Portland.

Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board: Local Innovation Fund Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Supports creative initiatives that benefit and provide connections between the local watershed, economy, and community.


Department of Community and Economic Development: Community Revitalization Program Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Provides grants for community revitalization and improvement projects that will improve the stability of the community; promote economic development; improve existing and develop new civic, cultural, recreational, industrial and other facilities; assist in business retention, expansion, stimulation and attraction; promote the creation of jobs and employment opportunities; or enhance the health, welfare and quality of life of citizens in the commonwealth.

Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: Grants Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Funds community and conservation projects.


Vermont Heritage Network: Preservation Incentives Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
State and national resources for funding preservation activities.

Vermont Housing and Conservation Board Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Makes loans and grants to nonprofit organizations, municipalities, and state agencies to acquire land and conservation easements and to build affordable housing.


Community, Trade, and Economic Development: Guided Search for Grants and Resources Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Search form to find grants and other resources in several areas, including environment, planning and community development, and historic preservation.


Department of Transportation: Programs for Local Government Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Funding and other support for projects that support transportation options, including bike and pedestrian facilities, safe routes to school, and land use.

Dane County Urban Infill Development Funds Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
The Dane County Better Urban Infill Development program provides grant funding to local municipalities to plan infill developments and great neighborhoods.

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