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Export Import Bank of the United States




Recently Approved Transactions in Central Asia and the Caucasus Regions

Over the past 18 months Ex-Im Bank has been able to provide financing in support of exports of US goods and services to the following countries:


Applicant: ABN Amro Bank N.V., Chicago IL
Borrower: Agromontaj, Chisinau MD-2032 Moldova
Guarantor: Moldova - Agroindbank SA, Chisinau MD 2006 Moldova
Exporter: Waste Solutions International, Sioux Falls SD
Supplier: Lundell Enterprises, Cherokee, IA.
Amount: $5,573,000
Description: Sale of equipment and services required for construction of solid waste recycling center.

Georgia / Turkey:

Applicant: BP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Ltd., Sunbury-On-Thames,
Borrower: Baku Tblisi Ceyhan Pipeline Company, Grand Cayman Islands
Exporter: Bechtel International Inc., Reno, NV
Supplier: Various
Amount: $160,000,000
Description: Sale of equipment and services used for the construction of the 1,094 mile Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline.


Applicant: International Bank of Azerbaijan, Baku 370005 Azerbaijan
Lender: Commerzbank AG, New York, N.Y.
Borrower: General Construction LLC, Nahchivan Azerbaijan
Guarantor: International Bank of Azerbaijan Republic, Baku 370005 Azerbaijan
Exporter: Saba, Inc., Memphis Tennessee
Amount: $17,046,963
Description: Engineering services for construction of business center in Baku.


Exporter: Boeing Company, Everett, WA.   
Lender: Societe General, New York
Lessor: SPV/Uzbekistan Airways
Lessee: National Bank of Uzbekistan
Sub Lessee: Uzbekistan Airways
Term: 12 years
Amount: $73,431,900
Description: Two Boeing 767-300ER aircraft (plus parts and services).

Applicant: National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity, Tashkent 700084
Borrower: National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity, Tashkent 700084
Guarantor: Ministry of Finance, 5 Tashkent 700078 Uzbekistan
Exporter: Case LLC, Racine WI
Amount: $18,462,425
Description: Agricultural equipment.

Applicant: Societe Generale, New York NY
Borrower:  National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity, Tashkent 700084
Guarantor: Ministry of Finance, 5 Tashkent 700078 Uzbekistan
Exporter: Caterpillar SARL, Peoria, IL
Amount: $18,198,946
Description: Mining and construction equipment to Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Navoi, Uzbekistan.

Applicant: Societe Generale, New York NY
Borrower: National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity, Tashkent 700084
Guarantor: Ministry of Finance, 5 Tashkent 700078 Uzbekistan
Exporter: Bateman Engineering Inc., Aurora CO
Amount: $68,002,657
Description: Mining and related equipment, engineering, procurement, construction and management services to Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Navio, Uzbekistan.

Applicant: Bank of New York (Inc), New York NY
Borrower: National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity, Tashkent 700084
Guarantor: Ministry of Finance, 5 Tashkent 700078 Uzbekistan
Exporter: Belam Inc, River Edge NJ
Supplier: Nortel Networks et al.
Amount: $4,407,092
Description: Communication equipment to the JSC O'Zimpeksaloga, on behalf of the Post and Telecommunications Agency of Uzbekistan.
Applicant: Societe Generale, New York NY

Borrower: National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity, Tashkent 700084
Guarantor: Ministry of Finance, 5 Tashkent 700078 Uzbekistan
Exporter: Case Corporation, Racine WI, and Societe Generale, New York NY
Supplier: Various
Amount: $13,675,519
Description: 100 wheat combines from Case Corporation of Racine, WI to Uzprommashimpeks

Applicant: Bank of New York (Inc), New York NY
Borrower: National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity, Tashkent 700084 Uzbekistan
Amount: $50,000,000
Description: A Credit Guarantee Facility (CGF) for the National Bank of Foreign Activity to support the sale of capital goods and services from a variety of U.S. exporters to various buyers/end users in Uzbekistan.


Exporter: Deere & Company, Moline, IL.
Lender: Deere Credit Inc.
Borrower: Kazkommertsbank
Guarantor: Grain Leasing Co., LLC
Amount: $5,054,610
Term: 5 years
Description: Agricultural Equipment

Applicant: Deere Credit Inc.
Exporter: Deere & Company, Moline, IL
Lender: Deere Credit Inc. 
Borrower: Kazkommertsbank
Guarantor: Grain Leasing Co., LLC
Amount: $8,316,975
Term: 6 years
Description: Agricultural Equipment 

Applicant: Deere Credit Inc.
Exporter: Deere & Company, Moline IL.
Lender: Deere Credit Inc.
Amount: $8,373,506
Term: 5 years
Description: Agricultural Equipment

Applicant: ABN Amro, New York
Borrower: Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ)
Lender: ABN Amro, New York
Exporter: General Electric Transportation Systems, Inc, Erie, PA.
Description: Locomotive Kits

Amount: $122,000,000
Applicant: Deere Credit Inc., Moline IL
Borrower: Astana Finance Co., Astana 473000 Kazakhstan
Guarantor: Standart Leasing Corp.
Exporter: Deere and Co., Moline IL
Amount: $7,893,292
Description: Agricultural equipment

Applicant: Bankgesellschaft Berlin AG, Berlin 10178 Germany Fed. Rep.
Borrower: Astana Finance Co., Astana 473000 Kazakhstan
Guarantor: None
Exporter: CNH America LLC, Racine WI
Amount: $1,760.385
Description: Agricultural equipment

Applicant: Diebold Credit Corporation, North Canton OH
Borrower: OJSC Halyk Bank Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Guarantor: None
Exporter: Diebold Credit Corporation, N Canton OH 44720-8077
Amount: $4,441,275
Description: The  sale of 300 Diebold ATM's to OJSC Halyk Bank

Applicant: Deere Credit Inc., Moline IL
Borrower: Astana Finance Co., Astana 473000 Kazakhstan
Guarantor: Standart Leasing Corp.
Exporter: Deere and Co., Moline IL
Amount: $8,834,300
Description: The sale of agricultural equipment

Applicant: Deere Credit Inc., Moline IL
Borrower: OJSC Nurbank, Almaty 480013 Kazakhstan
Guarantor: None
Exporter: Deere and Co., Moline IL
Amount: $6,629,921
Description: The sale of agricultural equipment from John Deere to Nur Zelina Ltd., Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Applicant: Deere Credit Inc., Moline IL
Borrower: OJSC Nurbank, Almaty 480013 Kazakhstan
Guarantor: None
Exporter: Deere and Co., Moline IL
Amount: $7,055,110
Description: The sale of agricultural equipment

Applicant: ABN Amro Bank N.V., Chicago IL
Borrower: Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, Astana 473011 Kazakhstan
Guarantor: Kazzheldortrans JSC, Astana 473000 Kazakhstan, and Locomotice JSC Astana 473000 Kazakhstan
Exporter: General Electric Company Inc., Erie PA
Amount: $30,505,918
Description: The export of 254 locomotive modernization kits by General Electric to Kazakhstan Temir Zholy of Astana, Kazakhstan.

Applicant: ABN Amro Bank N.V., Chicago IL
Borrower: Transtelecom, Open Joint Stock Co., Almaty Kazakhstan
Exporter: Lucent Technologies Inc., New Providence NJ
Amount: $12,748,714
Description: The sale of telecommunications equipment from Lucent Technologies to Transtelecom, Almaty Kazakhstan.

Applicant: U.S. Bank National Association, Minneapolis MN
Borrower: Bank Turan Alem, Almaty 480099 Kazakhstan
Guarantor: Alemcard Ltd., Almaty Kazakhstan
Exporter: Diebold Incorporated, Canton OH
Supplier: Diebold Incorporated, Canton OH
Amount: $490,833
Description: The sale of 10 ATM's from Diebold Inc. to Bank Turan Alem

Applicant: Diebold Credit Corporation, N Canton OH
Borrower: OJSC Nurbank, Almaty 480013 Kazakhstan
Guarantor: None
Exporter: Diebold Credit Corporation, N Canton OH 44720-8077
Amount: $330,910
Description: The sale of 20 ATM's to OJSC Nurbank

Applicant: London Forfaiting Co. PLC, London E1W 1UN UK
Borrower: Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan, Almaty 48046 Kazakhstan
Guarantor: None
Exporter: CTB Inc., Milford IN
Amount: $596,823
Description: The sale of an automatic grain handling facility from to Agroneftesnab

Applicant: Bank of New York, New York NY
Borrower: Bank Turan Alem, Almaty 480099 Kazakhstan
Guarantor: None
Exporter: Solincom, Inc., Montville NJ
Supplier: Solincom, Inc., Montville NJ, and Lucent Technologies, New Providence NJ
Amount: $357,014
Description: The sale of telecommunications equipment to ARNA of Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Applicant: Allfirst Bank, Baltimore MD 21201-3330
Borrower: Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan
Guarantor: None
Exporter: Chore-Time Brock Inc., Milford IN 46060-8902
Supplier: Various
Amount: $510,242
Description: The sale of grain storage and handling equipment to A.K. Bidai LLC, Kazakhstan.

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