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Privacy and Security Notice
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Notice: This is a U.S. Government Web Site

This is a World Wide Web site for official information about the Department of Defense (DoD) Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI). It is provided as a public service by the DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO). The purpose is to provide information and news about the DoD ESI to the general public.

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Categories: About
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Related Reference
About ITAM
AFCEA West 2011/DON IT 2011 Session Briefs
AFCEA West 2012/DON IT Conference, West 2012 Session Briefs
Authorized Users – Who Can Order?
Contract Vehicles
COTS Software License Framework for BPA-based Orders
COTS Software Ordering Process
Customer Frequently Asked Questions
Customer Overview
ESI Agreements holding DoD Inventory
ESI Awards
ESI Brochure
ESI Operating Principles
ESI Software Buyers Checklist
ESI Team Structure
External Hyperlink Disclaimer
Frequently Asked Questions
ITAM Community of Interest
ITAM Overview
Joint Warfighting 2011/DON IT Conference East 2011 Conference
Net-Centricity and ITAM
Ordering Process
Policy Corner
Resource Library
SmartBUY Alliance
Vendor Frequently Asked Questions
Vendor Overview
What is ESI
Who Can Use ESI?

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