Financial Management


Department of Defense Managers' Internal Control Program (MICP)

As of September 2010, OSD-Comptroller has briefed the specific requirements/attributes of an effective Managers' Internal Control Program (in accordance with DoD Instruction 5010.40) with each of the Components that are currently required to annually submit a Statement of Assurance directly to OSD. The briefings have emphasized:

Importance of Director/Commander Support (aka "Tone-at-the-Top")

Reliance upon a "risk-based framework"

Implementation of "self-reporting concept"

Leverage of the Component's in-house expertise (e.g., those staff assigned to specific sub functions (e.g., assessable units) within organization versus dependency upon "outside" audit agencies (e.g., DoDIG, GAO and military audit agencies) to identify and report "material" internal control weaknesses and recommendations for mitigation of risk through changes in related controls.


DoDI 5010.40 - February 22, 2010

The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) is responsible for implementing and managing the Secretary of Defense's program over internal management controls.

The Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA) is implemented through the DoD Managers' Internal Control Program (MICP).

The MICP requires all DoD managers to review, assess, and report on the effectiveness of internal management controls within the Department of Defense.

Tone at the top

"Tone at the Top" is a term that is used to define management's leadership and commitment towards openness, honesty, integrity, and ethical behavior. It is the most important component of the control environment. The tone at the top is set by all levels of management and has a trickle-down effect on all employees.

For a Managers' Internal Control Program to be effective, the respective Component needs senior management's support through:

Communication - Management must clearly communicate its ethics and values throughout the area they manage. These values could be communicated formally through written codes of conduct and policies, staff meetings, memos, etc. or informally during day to day operations.
Active Participation - Kick-Off and Quarterly Meetings - Discussions relevant to internal controls, and associated risks
Reporting - Create and promote path for employees to self-report and feel safe from retaliation
Reward Active Participation - Creation of Commander's Award - Recognition of Successful Internal Control Activity


Computer Based Training (CBT) for the MICP:

Regulatory Guidance

Statement of Assurance

The DoD Annual Statement of Assurance is reported to the President, the Office of Management and Budget, and Congress as part of the Agency Financial Report.


The following training modules were provided at the January 10 and 11 Managers' Internal Control Program workshop:

Points of Contact

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness Directorate
Pentagon 3D150

MICP Coordinator Contact List

DoD Managers' Internal Control Program DoD-Wide Coordinator:
Steve Silverstein - (571) 256-2207 (Non-financial -- Operational, Program and Administrative Controls)

DoD Managers' Internal Control Program:
Michael Yoon - (571) 256-2708, (Non-financial -- Operational, Program and Administrative Controls)

MICP Mailbox:

Links to Other Sites