Welcome to the U.S. Energy Information Administration's Manufacturing Web Site. If you are having trouble, call 202-586-8800 for help. Return to Energy Information Administration Home Page. Glass Industry Analysis Brief
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Economic Profile and Trends
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State-Level Information
Technologies and Equipment
Energy Management Activities
Technologies and Equipment
Generic Technologies

Transforming raw materials into usable glass products requires large amounts of energy to heat and melt the material and homogenize the glass.

Industry-Specific Technologies

Unit Operation Purpose Major Technologies
Batch Preparation Prepare raw material for melting Wet mixing, batch agglomeration
Melting/Refining Melt and refine glass to ensure uniformity Side port furnace, end port furnace, regenerative furnace, electric boosting, unit melters
Forming Form glass Tin bath (flat), IS machine (container), spinning (fiber)
Finishing Modify strength and other properties Annealing, tempering, coating, polishing

Source: Ross 1999

Generic Technologies
Glass facilities report using a variety of generic technologies to increase efficiency.

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