Migratory Birds & Habitat Programs
Pacific Region



We are the Pacific Region Migratory Birds & Habitat Program. The Pacific Region (Region 1) includes Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Hawai’i, and the Pacific Islands. We work to support migratory bird conservation through research, public involvement, and management of migratory bird species and their habitats.

We collaborate with a diverse range of partners to promote conservation of migratory birds through science-based management of populations and habitats.  We work both on and off public lands to support national and international bird conservation plans and initiatives.




NMFS Final NEPA Documents Posted.

The NEPA documents for the permit request by National Marine Fisheries Service for incidental take of seabirds in the Hawaiian-based shallow-set longline fishery have been finalized as of August 17, 2012. Additional information can be found on our NEPA page.


Millerbird Relocation Team - Recovery Champion 2011

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced recipients of the 2011 Recovery Champion award, which honors Service employees and partners for outstanding efforts to conserve and protect endangered and threatened species of fish, wildlife, and plants. A total of 56 teams and nine individuals were honored as Recovery Champions for work to conserve species ranging from the polar bear in Alaska to the Appalachian elktoe mussel and spotfin chub in North Carolina.  The Nihoa Millerbird relocation team was one of the recipients. Job well done!  Twenty-two people participated in the field expedition for the Millerbird Team, including our very own Holly Freifeld.


Recovery Champion Team

100 Years Later, Endangered Millerbirds Breed Once Again on Laysan Island

Endangered Millerbirds, recently reintroduced to Hawai'i's Laysan Island after a 100-year absence, are now breeding there, a major step forward in efforts to save the species from extinction. For more information, check out the March 16, 2012 News Release!

Nihoa Millerbird

Region 1 Welcomes Back Nanette Seto as Chief for Migratory Birds and Habitat Programs

This month, the Pacific Region announced the selection of Nanette Seto as our Chief for Migratory Birds and Habitat programs. Her 21 years in conservation biology span all levels of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. From the field to headquarters, Nanette has brought her expertise to the Migratory Birds and Refuges programs and has led three of the four bird initiatives this year: the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan, the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan, and Partners in Flight. The Pacific Region is happy to welcome her back in a new capacity.

A native of Hawaii, Nanette began her career with the Service in 1994 at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge as a biologist after earning her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Zoology at the University of Hawaii. Much of her time at Midway was devoted to the biological monitoring and creation of habitat plans for nesting seabirds. After four years at Midway, her work as a wildlife biologist took her to Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge Complex in Olympia, Washington, where she collaborated with members of the scientific and tribal communities and the public to develop the Nisqually NWR Comprehensive Conservation Plan.

In 2002, she went to the Pacific Regional Office in Portland, Oregon, where she dedicated much of her time to coordinating waterbird issues with other federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities, and the public. When the chance to work on policy-making at the Service’s headquarters presented itself in 2008, Nanette rose to the challenge and moved her family to Washington, D.C., where she focused on partnership-building with other federal agencies in order to strengthen ties and raise migratory bird awareness.
Now that she is back in Region 1, Nanette is looking forward to working on conservation issues  she says are close to her heart, particularly those within the Pacific Flyway, such as the unintentional take of migratory birds, conservation of fish-eating birds, and landscape conservation.

Nanette Seto

NEPA Documents Posted for Public Comment

We have two Draft Environmental Assessments currently open for public comment. The first is to permit take under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act for the West Butte Wind Project in Oregon. This is open for comment through February 2, 2012. The second is to permit the National Marine Fisheries Service for incidental take of seabirds in the Hawaiian-based shallow-set longline fishery. This is open for comment through February 9, 2012. Additional information can be found on our NEPA page.



Tsunami Debris Heading for Midway and Northwest Hawaiian Islands

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are currently tracking debris from March 2011 Japan Tsunami. The moving eastward, now estimated to reach Midway and the northwest Hawaiian islands between January and March 2012, reaching the west coast of the United States in 2013. The debris includes large pieces, such as entire buildings and boats. The timing of the debris arrival could prove critical for nesting seabirds, which suffered a severe blow last nesting season from the tsunami itself. For more information or to track the tsunami debris, visit the EPA Marine Debris (green box on right) and NOAA Marine Debris sites.

Tsnuami Debris


We Have Updated Our Website!

Thanks for visiting our new site! To better serve you, we have made some changes as to how information is organized and what information is available. Please take some time to look around! As this is a new site, some items are still being developed and will be completed by January 2012. If you have any requests for information you would like to see on our site or if you have any comments or concerns as you explore (broken links, items from the old site that you use and are missing, etc.), please feel free to contact us. Your feedback is appreciated!



Can’t find what you need?  Have a recommendation for information that would be helpful on this page?  We appreciate your feedback.

Last updated: August 20, 2012

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