Migratory Birds
Conserving the Nature of America

Permits Frequently Asked Questions

Who should I contact with questions about migratory bird permits?
Contact your Regional Migratory Bird Permit Office.

What form do I use to apply for a migratory bird permit?
Prospective permittees apply to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Migratory Bird Permit Office using an application (Form 3-200) specifically tailored to their proposed activity. The information collected through permit applications is used to determine whether or not the individual qualifies for the type of migratory bird-related permit for which he or she has applied. You may obtain an application online from the table above, or by contacting the relevant Regional Bird Permit Office.

Is there an application fee when I apply for a migratory bird permit?
A processing fee is required for most migratory bird permit applications. Processing fees range from $50 to $100 depending on the type of permit for which you are applying. The fee for each permit type is specified on the application form. No fee is required for applications for permits to possess or transport eagle parts for Native American religious use.

Where do I mail my application?
Permit applications must be mailed to the Regional FWS Permit Office in the region where you are located. Find the address on our list of  Regional Permit Offices.

How long will it take to process my permit?
You should allow for up to 60 days for processing your application.

Are permits ever issued in combination with one another?
Yes, if you intend to combine permitted activities, contact your Regional Permit Office. You may be issued a single permit to cover more than one permitted activity (i.e. Scientific Collecting and Import/Export).

Under what circumstances do I need a permit to import or export migratory birds?
The regulations governing permits for import and export of migratory birds are explained here.

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Last updated: June 15, 2009