Challenge Cost Share
Mountain-Prairie Region
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CCS Accomplishment Reporting

We are required to report accomplishments annually.  It is our opportunity to show how the program has provided more changes for partnering and demonstrate all of the wonderful things that we were able to do with our partners.  Field stations will submit information to the CCS Coordinator.  Examples of the types of things that are important are measures that are in RAPP, measureable, tangible items, as well as the intangible items such as good will, improved relationships with partners, etc.  Photographs are encouraged.  The old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” still holds true.  Go ahead and brag about your projects!  There are many wonderful projects being done to benefit wildlife, habitat, and the public.  Be proud of your efforts and share your stories!

Tell us:

FY 2007 Accomplishment Report
FY 2008 Accomplishment Report - to be available soon

Please direct any comments/questions, etc. to: CCS Coordinator at 303-236-4346

Last Updated: September 22, 2008