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National Monument

Livestock Grazing

Cows GrazingLivestock grazing in the CSNM has continued as an authorized use since monument designation. Within the CSNM, eleven ranchers hold grazing leases for 2,714 active animal unit months (AUMs). The presidential proclamation mandated a study of "the impacts of livestock grazing on the objects of biological interest in the monument with specific attention to sustaining the natural ecosystem dynamics." After a multi-year, interdisciplinary and several scientific peer reviews, the BLM released the findings of the CSNM Livestock Impacts Studies on January 24, 2008. more>>

The results of the Livestock Impacts Studies were used to 1) make an overall assessment of the monument's livestock allotments and evaluate whether or not the allotments are meeting the Oregon Standards and Guidelines for Rangeland Health (PDF) (Rangeland Health Assessments (RHAs) and RHA determinations) and 2) determine whether or not current livestock grazing is compatible with "protecting the objects of biological interest" as required by the monument proclamation. The Medford District completed the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument (CSNM) Rangeland Health Assessments (RHAs), RHA determinations, and the determination of current livestock grazing compatibility with protecting objects of biological interest in July 2008 more>>

Environmental analysis is currently underway to evaluate alternatives that may meet the intent of the proclamation and the requirements of the Rangeland Health Standards. The scoping process (PDF) for assessing changes needed to bring livestock grazing into compliance with rangeland health standards and the proclamation was completed in September 2008. Based on National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis and public review, a final decision will be issued in spring 2009 which could maintain, modify, or cancel (retire) the existing grazing lease authorizations.

Contact Us

Howard Hunter
Assistant Monument Manager
(541) 618-2256

Kimberly Hackett
Grazing Program Lead

Kathy Minor
Planning and Environmental Coordinator
(541) 618-2245