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Indoor Air

Where You Live


Radon: See www.epa.gov/radon/states/nevada.html

Indoor Air Quality:

Nevada State Health Division
http://health.nv.gov/index.php exiting epa
505 East King Street, Room 201
Carson City, Nevada  89701
(775) 684-4200
fax:  (775) 684-4211

IAQ Contact: none provided

Schools/Children's Environmental Health:

EPA's IAQ Tools for Schools IAQ Champion

Additional Resources

www.nv.gov/ exiting epa

Nevada State Health Division
http://health.nv.gov/index.php exiting epa
505 East King Street, Room 201
Carson City, Nevada  89701
(775) 684-4200
fax:  (775) 684-4211

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Indoor Air Quality Information by state - www.cdc.gov/nceh/airpollution/indoor_air.htm

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EPA Region 9 (Pacific Southwest)

States Covered: AZ | CA | HI | NV and Guam

Regional Contacts:
Radon, Indoor Air and IAQ Tools for Schools: Shelly Rosenblum rosenblum.shelly@epa.gov (415) 947-4193
Indoor Air:
Barbara Spark spark.barbara@epa.gov (415) 947-4189
Backup for all above: Monique Nivolon nivolon.monique@epa.gov (415) 947-4195 Fax: (415) 947-3583
Tribal Coordinator: Clancy Tenley tenley.clancy@epa.gov (415) 972-3785

Featured Links:
Air Program page
Indoor Air Quality page

EPA Resources

Regional Radon Training Centers | IED's Tribal Resources | EPA's State Environmental Agencies List | EPA's MyEnvironment | EPA's Indoor Air Quality Contacts

Note: Please direct any questions regarding the information on this page to the IED Webmaster.

Asthma Mold Radon Indoor airPLUS Program IAQ Tools for Schools IAQ Design Tools for Schools Smoke-free Homes and Cars IAQ Tribal Partners Program Partnership for Clean Indoor Air An Introduction to IAQ IAQ and Climate Readiness IAQ in Homes IAQ in Large Buildings IAQ in Schools IAQ Publications CIAQ Air Cleaners FAQs Español Flood Cleanup

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