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P2 at EPA

August 2011
Green electronic practices by FEC Partners in 2010 reduced GHG emissions by 40K metric tons of carbon. Read the FEC 2010 Program Accomplishments Report (6 pp, 61.9 KB, About PDF).
May 2011
Request for Proposals to Develop Standards for Environmentally Preferable Electronic Products (PDF) (32 pp, 360 K, About PDF)
REVISED DATE: Proposals are due on or before June 30, 2011.
Questions regarding the Environmentally Preferable Electronic Products RFP (PDF) (7 pp, 27.5 K, About PDF)
March 2011
FY 2011 Request for proposals for the Pollution Prevention Information Network Grants Program (PDF) (35 pp, 1.05M, About PDF). Submission period closed May 9, 2011.
January 2011
FY 2011 Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Pollution Prevention Grant Program (PDF) (47pp, 280K, About PDF).
December 2010
Summary of the EPA Listening Session on Sustainable Products (PDF) (16 pp, 387.6K, About PDF), September 24, 2010
FY 2011 Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Source Reduction Assistance Grant Program (PDF) (43 pp, 269K, About PDF)
October 2010
EPA announced that it signed a September 25, 2010, memorandum of understanding (5pp, 1.63M, About PDF) with four other federal agencies formally establishing the Economy, Energy and Environment Initiative (E3) to help communities become more efficient, competitive and sustainable. Read the press release.
September 2010
Read President Obama's P2 Week Message.
May 2010
Green electronic practices by FEC Partners in 2009 reduced GHG emissions by 46K metric tons of carbon. FEC 2009 Program Accomplishments Report (4 pp, 109 KB, About PDF)
November 2009

P2 Grants Results Fiscal Year 2008 (PDF) (6 pp, 28.4K, About PDF) Environmental outcome results.

2009 P2 Grant Program summaries now available.

March 2009
Tips for Pollution Prevention (PDF) (2 pp, 218K, About PDF)
February 2009
Comments sought on Promoting Pollution Prevention to Achieve Sustainability: A Strategic Plan for the US EPA's Pollution Prevention Program, 2009-2014 (PDF) (45 pp, 445K, About PDF) by March 31, 2009.
December 2008
Evaluation of EPA Efforts to Integrate Pollution Prevention Policy throughout EPA and at Other Federal Agencies (PDF) (124 pp, 590K, About PDF)
November 2008

2008 P2 Grant Program summaries now available.

Evaluation of EPA Efforts to Integrate Pollution Prevention Policy throughout EPA and at Other Federal Agencies (PDF) (124 pp, 590K, About PDF)
This report provides a detailed look at EPA's efforts to weave pollution prevention into the major activities of the Agency's programs, and elsewhere in government. The report tracks P2 progress over the past two decades, and includes recommendations for more fully integrating P2 into the environmental challenges of coming decades.

EPA is now accepting nominations for the 2009 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards. These awards recognize innovative chemical technologies that incorporate green chemistry into chemical design, manufacture and use -- and that have broad applications in industry. EPA's Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics wishes to encourage as many nominations as possible and would greatly appreciate it if you would post this information on your Web site and disseminate this information through your list serves.

Nominated technologies should reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances from a chemical product or process. Any individual, group or organization, both nonprofit and for-profit, including academia and industry, may nominate a green chemistry technology for these awards. Self-nominations are welcome and expected. Each nominated technology must have reached a significant milestone within the past five years in the United States. Typically, awards are given each year in five categories: Greener Synthetic Pathways; Greener Reaction Conditions; Designing Greener Chemicals; Small Business; and Academic.

Nominations must be sent no later than Dec. 31 to be eligible for the 2009 awards, which will be presented on June 22, 2009.

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