Robotics and Intelligence Systems >> Publications

Adaptive Robotics


Autonomous Behaviors

  1. E. B. Pacis, H.R. Everett, N. Farrington, and D. J. Bruemmer. Enhancing functionality and autonomy in man-portable robots. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2004, April 2004. — 2.7MB PDF

  2. D.J. Bruemmer, D.A. Few, S. Sirin, H. Hunting, M. Walton, and F. Carney. Autonomous robot for sensor characterization. Robotics and Remote Systems for Hazardous Environments, Gainesville, Florida, March 28-31, 2004. — 226kB PDF

  3. D.J. Bruemmer, D.A Few, et al., How to trust robots further than we can throw them: A panel discussion. In Proceedings of CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2004, Vienna, Austria, April 24-29, 2004. — 273kB PDF

  4. D.J. Bruemmer, D.A. Few, R. L. Boring, J. L. Marble, M. Walton, and C. Nielsen. "Shared Understanding for Collaborative Control." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics , Part A. Systems and Humans, vol.35, no.4, pp. 505-512, Jul. 2005. — 1.5MB PDF

  5. J. L. Marble, D. A. Few, D. J. Bruemmer. I want what you've got: Cross platform usability and human-robot interaction assessment. In E. Messina (Ed.) Proceedings of PerMIS'04, in press. — 246kB DOC

  6. D. J. Bruemmer, D. A. Few, M. C. Walton, R. L. Boring, J. L. Marble, C. Nielsen, and J. Garner. "Turn off the television!": Real-world robotic exploration experiments with a virtual 3-D display . In Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2005, in press. — 6.1MB DOC

Dynamic Autonomy

  1. D. J. Bruemmer, J. L. Marble, M. O. Anderson, M. D. McKay, and D. D. Dudenhoeffer. Dynamic-Autonomy for Remote Robotic Sensor Deployment, Spectrum 2002, Reno, NV, August 2002. — 367kB PDF

  2. D. J. Bruemmer, J. L. Marble, and D. D. Dudenhoeffer, Intelligent Robots for Use in Hazardous DOE Environments, PerMIS 2002, Gaithersburg, MD, August 2002. — 302kB PDF

  3. D. J. Bruemmer, D. D. Dudenhoeffer, and J. Marble. Dynamic Autonomy for Urban Search and Rescue, 2002 AAAI Mobile Robot Workshop, Edmonton, Cananda, August 2002. — 335kB PDF

  4. D. J. Bruemmer, J. L. Marble, and D. D. Dudenhoeffer, Mutual Initiative in Human-Machine Teams, IEEE Conference on Human Factors and Power Plants, Scottsdale, AZ, September, 2002. — 174kB PDF

  5. D. J. Bruemmer, J. L. Marble, D. D. Dudenhoeffer, M. O. Anderson, and M. D. McKay. Mixed-Initiative Control for Remote Characterization of Hazardous Environments, HICSS 2003, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, January 2003. — 2.4MB PDF

  6. D.J. Bruemmer, and M. Walton. Collaborative Tools for Mixed Teams of Humans and Robots. Multi-Robot Systems, Washington, D.C. March 2003. — 800kB PDF

  7. D.J.Bruemmer, and M.O. Anderson. "Intelligent Autonomy for Remote Characterization of Hazardous Environments", Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Houston, TX. October 2003. — 144kB PDF

  8. Marble, J. L., Bruemmer, D. J., and Few, D. A. "Lessons Learned from Usability Tests with a Collaborative Cognitive Workspace for Human-Robot Teams." In Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Washington, D.C., October 5-8, 2003. — 63kB PDF

  9. J. L. Harbour, S. G. Bauer, D. J. Bruemmer, D. M. Carroll, E. B. Pacis, K. D. Mullens, and H. R. Everett, "Enabling Technologies for Unmanned Protection Systems."SPIE Proc. 5804: Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology VII , Orlando, FL, March 29-31, 2005. — 1.1MB PDF

  10. E. B. Pacis, H.R. Everett, N. Farrington, G. Kogut, B. Sights, T. Kramer, M. Thompson, D. Bruemmer, D. Few,"Transitioning Unmanned Ground Vehicle Research Technologies,"SPIE Proc. 5804:Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology VII ,Orlando, FL, March 29-31, 2005. — 631kB PDF

  11. D. J. Bruemmer, D. A. Few, C. W. Nielsen. 2006. "Spatial Reasoning for Human-Robot Teams," in Emerging Spatial Information Systems and Applications, ed. Brian Hilton, Idea Group Inc. Hershey, PA, pp. 350 - 372. — 1.3MB PDF

  12. D. A. Few, D. J. Bruemmer, M. C. Walton "Improved Human - Robot Teaming through Facilitated Initiative." In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN). Hatfield, United Kingdom, September 6-8 2006. — 193kB PDF

  13. D.A. Few, D.J. Bruemmer, M.C. Walton. "Dynamic Leadership for Human Robot Teams." In Proc. of the 2006 Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Salt Lake City, UT, March 2-4, 2006. — 60kB PDF

Finding Landmines

  1. D. J. Bruemmer, D. A. Few, C. W. Nielsen, M. C. Walton (2007) Mixed-Initiative Control for Collaborative Countermine Operations. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics ( T-RO ) 786kB PDF

  2. M. Walton, D. J. Bruemmer, D. A. Few. "Developing an Intelligent and Integrated Unmanned Ground Vehicle System: A Case Study". AUVSI Unmanned Systems North America, Orlando, FL. August 29-31, 2006 — 1.5MB PDF

  3. Harbour, J. L., Bruemmer, D. J., and Few, D. A "Measuring Unmanned Vehicle System Performance: Challenges and opportunities." AUVSI Unmanned Systems North America, Orlando, FL. August 29-31, 2006 — 52kB PDF

Humanoid Robotics

  1. Swinson, M., Bruemmer, D., "The Expanding Frontiers of Humanoid Robotics," Intelligent Systems, July, 2000. — 39kB PDF

  2. Bruemmer, D., Swinson, M. "Humanoid Robots: A New, Universal Tool," Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Third Edition. Academic Press, 2001.

Mobile Manipulation

  1. D.J. Bruemmer, D.A. Few, C. Kapoor, M. Goza. "Dynamic Autonomy for Mobile Manipulation," In Proc. of the ANS / IEEE 11th Annual Conference on Robotics and Remote Systems for Hazardous Environments, Salt Lake City, UT, Feb. 12-15, 2006. — 147kB PDF

Robot Swarm

  1. D. D Dudenhoeffer, M.P. Jones. "A Formation Behavior For Large-Scale Micro-Robot Force Deployment," Proceedings of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference 2000, (WSC '00), Orlando, FL, Dec 5-8, 2000. — 174kB PDF

  2. D. D. Dudenhoeffer, D. J. Bruemmer, M. O. Anderson, and M. D. McKayD. 2001, Development and Implementation of Large-Scale Micro-Robotic Forces Using Formation Behaviors, In Proceedings of SPIE, Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology II, 4024. Bellington, Washington: SPIE- The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 109kB PDF

  3. D. D. Dudenhoeffer, and D. J. Bruemmer, and M. L. Davis. Modeling And Simulation For Exploring Human-Robot Team Interaction Requirements. 2001 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington DC, Dec 2001. — 330kB PDF

  4. D. J. Bruemmer, D. D. Dudenhoeffer, J. Marble. Mixed-Initiative Remote Characterization Using a Distributed Team of Small Robots, 2001 AAAI Mobile Robot Workshop, Seattle, WA, July 2001. — 619kB PDF

  5. D. J. Bruemmer, D. D. Dudenhoeffer, M. O. Anderson, M. D. McKay. A Robotic Swarm for Spill Finding and Perimeter Formation, Spectrum 2002, Reno, NV, August 2002. — 107kB PDF

Urban Search

  1. D. J. Bruemmer, R. L. Boring, D. A. Few, J. L. Marble, and M. C. Walton. "I call shotgun!": An evaluation of mixed initiative control for novice users of a search and rescue robot. (2004). Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics . — 518kB PDF

  2. J. L. Marble, D. J. Bruemmer, D. A. Few, and D. D. Dudenhoeffer (2004). Evaluation of supervisory vs. peer-peer interaction for human-robot teams. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Big island, Hawaii, January 4-8, 2004. — 816kB PDF

  3. D.J. Bruemmer, D.A. Few, H. Hunting, M.C. Walton, C. Nielsen."Virtual Camera Perspectives within a 3-D Interface for Robotic Search and Rescue,"InProc. of the ANS / IEEE 11th Annual Conference on Robotics and Remote Systems for Hazardous Environments ,Salt Lake City, UT, Feb. 12-15, 2006. — 482kB PDF

  4. C.W. Nielsen, D.J. Bruemmer, D.A. Few, M. Walton. " Mixed-Initiative Interactions for Mobile Robot Search, " American Association for Artificial Intelligence Mobile Robot Workshop. Boston, Massachusetts, July 16-20, 2006.— 1015kB PDF

  5. H. A. Yanco, M. Baker, R. Casey, B. Keyes, P. Thoren, J. L. Drury, D. A. Few, C. Nielsen and D. J. Bruemmer. "Analysis of Human-Robot Interaction for Urban Search and Rescue." In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics. Gaithersburg, MD. August 22-24, 2006. — 474kB PDF

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