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All Web sites in alphabetic order

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  • TalkingQuality.Gov - TalkingQuality is a comprehensive resource and guide for organizations that produce and disseminate reports to consumers on the quality of care provided by health care organizations (e.g., hospitals, health plans, medical groups, nursing homes) and individual physicians.
  • Technology Assessments - This program provides technology assessments for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). AHRQ's technology assessment program uses state-of-the-art methodologies for assessing the clinical utility of medical interventions. Technology assessments are based on a systematic review of the literature, along with appropriate qualitative and quantitative methods of synthesizing data from multiple studies.
  • Tennessee Department of Health Statistics and Reports - Link to various Tennessee-specific reports and publications produced by the Department of Health.
  • Tenth Annual Quality Colloquium, Harvard, August, 2011 - The 2011 Colloquium addressed issues surrounding patient safety and quality in the light of major changes stemming from health reform. These issues included accountable care organizations, patient-centered medical homes, using data for quality and safety, and value based purchasing, as well as governance, curriculum innovation, performance excellence, and meeting the needs of patients. The program focused on interactive sessions using experiential tools to maximize learning from speakers and other participants.
  • Texas Department of State Health Services/Data and Reports - Link to Texas-specific data and reports.
  • Text message prompts 'could improve treatment adherence'
  • Thinking Page - This website provides information on improving organizational and individual thinking. Sections include systems thinking, creativity, cybernetics, cognition and reflexions.
  • Third National Comparative Effectiveness Summit, October 12-14, 2011 - The purpose of the National Comparative Effectiveness Summit is to provide an understanding of what has changed now that comparative effectiveness is an institutionalized part of the American healthcare system. Summit presentations will draw lessons from CER experience in other countries and identify the practical implications of CER for various actors in the healthcare marketplace, including payors and health plans, hospital and health systems, physician organizations, clinicians and other healthcare professionals, and pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device manufacturers. This is a hybrid conference/internet event.
  • Thomas - Federal legislative information including bill summary status, bill text, public laws by law number, Congressional Record text, House and Senate Committee information.
  • Title 42 of the US Code - The Public Health and Welfare - Analysis - Analysis by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School of Title 42.
  • Tool for Health Plans to Assess their Health Literacy Programs - Developed by Emory University researcher Dr. Julie Gazmararian, working with the AHIP Health Literacy Task Force, this tool allows health plans to assess their health literacy programs and to use the assessments in the development and advancement of their initiatives.
  • Training Finder - Includes a searchable database of courses and training for the health workforce.
  • Training for Minority Researchers - Describes National Cancer Institute training and career development opportunities available to minority individuals interested in pursuing cancer research careers in basic, clinical, prevention and population control sciences.
  • TrainingFinder.Org - is a catalog of distance education opportunities produced by the Public Health Foundation.
  • Transforming Veteran Healthcare through Partner-Oriented Research, July 16-19, 2012, National Harbor, MD - Meeting participants selected among 121 peer-reviewed, highly rated scientific paper sessions, 40 workshops, and 146 posters on vital healthcare issues, such as: chronic disease management (e.g., heart disease, hypertension, diabetes), mental health, substance use disorders, telemedicine, women Veterans' healthcare needs, patient-aligned care teams (PACTs), and deployment-related health issues (e.g., traumatic brain injury, PTSD, chronic pain), to name a few.
  • Translating Research Into Practice Fact Sheet (AHRQ) - Translation of research findings into sustainable improvements in clinical outcomes and patient outcomes remains a substantial obstacle to improving the quality of care. Up to two decades may pass before the findings of original research become part of routine clinical practice. Translating Research Into Practice-II is an initiative that focuses on implementation techniques and factors associated with successfully translating research findings into diverse applied settings.
  • Translational Behavioral Medicine - TBM is an international peer-reviewed journal that offers continuous, online-first publication. TBM's mission is to engage, inform, and catalyze dialogue between the research, practice, and policy communities about behavioral medicine. We aim to bring actionable science to practitioners and to prompt debate on policy issues that surround implementing the evidence. TBM's vision is to lead the translation of behavioral science findings to improve patient and population outcomes.
  • Translational Fellowships in Public Mental Health Services Research - The Fellowship Program is a collaboration between the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, the UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute, the UCLA Center for Health Services and Society, the USC Clinical and Translational Science Institute, and the USC School of Social Work. Fellowships are for one year, renewable for a second year; Fellows will be appointed at either UCLA or USC.
  • Translational Research to Improve Obesity and Diabetes Outcomes (R18)
  • Translational Science Search - This is a web application for finding MEDLINE/PubMed journal articles that are regarded by their authors as novel, promising, or may have potential clinical application. A set of "translational" filters and related terms was created by reviewing journal articles published in clinical and translational science (TS) journals. Through E-Utilities, a user's query and TS filters are submitted to PubMed, and then, the retrieved PubMed citations are matched with a database of MeSH terms (for disease conditions) and RxNorm (for interventions) to locate the search term, translational filters found, and associated interventions in the title and abstract. An algorithm ranks the interventions and conditions, and then highlights them in the results page for quick reading and evaluation. Using previously searched terms and standard formulas, the precision and recall of TSS were 0.99 and 0.47, compared to 0.58 and 1.0 for PubMed Entrez, respectively.
  • Triangle Clinical Research Fellowship in Reproductive Health - Designed for obstetricians and gynecologists to learn clinical research and advanced epidemiologic methods.
  • Tutorial on Public Opinion and Health Policy - In this narrated slide tutorial, Claudia Deane, associate director of Public Opinion & Survey Research for the Kaiser Family Foundation, provides an overview of American attitudes towards major health policy issues. She discusses views on personal health care, as well as the role of the federal government, Medicare and Medicaid, budget cuts and the Affordable Care Act.
  • Tutorials on Health Care Reform - Robin Rudowitz, M.P.A., of Kaiser's Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, reviews the basics of the Medicaid program and explains the program's coverage goals under the new health reform law. In the second tutorial, Alan Schlobohm, senior program administrator at the Foundation, provides a step-by-step review of how the health reform law made its way through the legislative process from the President's budget proposal through the signing of the bill into law.