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Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA)

Functional Structure

The Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals is a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). OMHA reports directly to the Secretary of HHS.  OMHA administers nationwide hearings at Level 3 of the Medicare claims appeal process.  The Office consists of four field offices and a headquarters office.  Each of the field office Associate Chief Administrative Law Judges is responsible for his or her office and works under the direction of the Chief Administrative Law Judge.


The image above shows OMHA's functional structure.  The Chief Administrative Law Judge oversees all of OMHA.  At headquarters, her direct reports are the Director of Office of Program and the Director of Office of Operations.  In the field, her direct reports are the Associate Chief Administrative Law Judges .  Each is responsible for one of OMHA's four field offices:  the Mid-Atlantic Field Office, the Midwestern Field Office, the Western Field Office, and the Southern Field Office.  Administrative operations within each Field Office are run by a Hearing Office Director who answers directly to the Associate Chief Administrative Law Judge.