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The Resurgence of Bioenergy
Features in This Issue - Volume 40, Number 1, 2007



A Transformational Change

How ORNL is implementing a multi-faceted strategy to commercialize the Laboratory's discoveries, is the focus of this issue of the ORNL Review. More...




America Responds
A renewed interest in bioenergy offers a solution to energy security. More...


The Billion Ton Study
Government officials have been repeatedly citing an ORNL study on the possibilities for growing and gathering biomass on American soil. More...


The People's Tree
ORNL teams seek to make the poplar tree an affordable raw material for biofuels and bioproducts. More...


Using the System
Science's hopes of great strides in the pursuit of economical bioenergy depend on the ability to understand how components of a living cell work together. More...


Next-Generation Fermentation
Research aims at cutting costs of turning green plants into fuels and chemicals. More...


Profitable Products
Renewable chemicals could replace about 3 to 4 percent of the petroleum America uses by 2025. More...


The Business of Biomass
Solving the science is only part of the challenge. More...


Tennessee Steps Up
Tennessee commits toward a transformational effort to make Tennessee a model for biology-based energy production. More...


Enzymes in Motion
ORNL's supercomputer shows how microbial enzymes turn plant cellulose into sugar. More...


Science National Champions
Oak Ridge High School team of seniors place first in nation's premier high-school competition in Science, Math and Technology. More...




Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith became the first University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge National Laboratory Governor's Chair and Director of the ORNL Center for Molecular Biophysics. More...




Taking the Long View
Hydrogen produced using algae, water and sunlight could be a long-term energy source. More...


Alvin Weinberg
The former ORNL director envisioned what a national laboratory could be. More...




...And the Winners Are...
Accomplishments of Distinction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. More...




Bioinformatics for bioenergy:
Learn about ORNL's software-based "bookkeeping operation" that will keep track of data, chemicals and experimental equipment for bioenergy researchers. More...


In Weinberg's Own Words:
Listen to thoughts of the late Alvin Weinberg in audio excerpts from interviews over the past decade. Plus, view a slideshow documenting Weinberg's life. More...


Reference Desk:
View papers associated with the various research projects mentioned in this issue of the ORNL Review along with copies of the "Billion Ton" study and the DOE Biomass to Biofuels Workshop Summary: Breaking the Biological Barriers to Cellulosic Ethanol. More...


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