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Ongoing Studies and Projects

Round pigtoe - Pleurobema sintoxia

Monkeyface - Quadrula metanevra

Wartyback - Quadrula nodulata

Pimpleback - Quadrula pustulosa

Mapleleaf  - Quadrula quadrula

Pistolgrip - Tritogonia verrucosa

Elktoe - Alasmidonta marginata

Flat floater - Anodonta suborbiculata
Flat floater

Rock pocketbook - Arcidens confragosus
Rock pocketbook

White heelsplitter - Lasmigona c. complanata
White heelsplitter

Creek heelsplitter - Lasmigona compressa
Creek heelsplitter

Flutedshell - Lasmigona costata

Giant floater - Pyganodon (=Anodonta) grandis
Giant floater

Salamander mussel - Simpsonaias ambigua
Salamander mussel

Creeper - Strophitus undulatus

Paper pondshell - Utterbackia (=Anodonta) imbecillis

Mucket - Actinonaias ligamentina

Butterfly  - Ellipsaria lineolata

Plain pocketbook - Lampsilis cardium
Plain pocketbook

Higgins' eye - Lampsilis higginsii
Higgins' eye

Fatmucket - Lampsilis siliquoidea

Yellow sandshell - Lampsilis teres anondontoides
Yellow sandshell

Fragile papershell - Leptodea fragilis
Fragile papershell

Black sandshell - Ligumia recta
Black sandshell
Pondmussel - Ligumia subrostrata

Threehorn wartyback - Obliquaria reflexa
Threehorn wartyback

Hickorynut - Obovaria olivaria

Pink heelsplitter - Potamilus alatus
Pink heelsplitter

Fat pocketbook - Potamilus capax
Fat pocketbook

Pink papershell - Potamilus ohiensis
Pink papershell

Bleufer - Potamilus purpuratus

Lilliput - Toxolasma parvus

Fawnsfoot - Truncilla donaciformis

Deertoe - Truncilla truncata Deertoe

Ellipse - Venustaconcha ellipsiformis Ellipse

Clam Chronicles – 2005

An account of activities associated with efforts to propagate and repatriate Lampsilis higginsii in the Mississippi River, Minnesota  Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

(1.5 MB) 2005

Mike Davis, Minnesota DNR
Freshwater Mussels of Minnesota:  A Plan for Controlled Propagation, Reintroduction and Augmentation within the Mississippi River from St. Anthony Falls to Lake Pepin

Mike Davis, Minnesota DNR
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

(384 KB) March 2005
Status of Implementation of Higgins Eye Pearlymussel (Lampsilis higgins) Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives and Reasonable and Prudent Measures, and Winged Mapleleaf (Quadrula fragosa) Reasonable and Prudent Measures

Mussel Coordination Team

(1.9 MB) November 2005
Zebra Mussel Veligers at Sites in the Upper

Distribution and Density of Zebra Mussel Veligers at Sites in the Upper Mississippi River System and its Major Tributaries, 2004

Mark D. Farr and Mark D. Antwine

(226 KB) July 2005

U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Environmental Laboratory
Vicksburg, Mississippi


Host Fish Identification and Early Life Thermal Requirements for the Federal Endangered Winged Mapleleaf Mussel

(2.6 MB) September 2005

Mark Steingraeber and Teresa Newton

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Geological Survey
Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center
La Crosse, Wisconsin
Winged Mapleleaf Mussel Early Life History Investigations Conducted by the U.S. Department of the Interior in FY 2004

Winged Mapleleaf Mussel Early Life History Investigations Conducted by the U.S. Department of the Interior in FY 2004

(565 KB) April 2005

Mark Steingraeber, Michelle Bartsch, John Kalas, Teresa Newton

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Geological Survey
Upper Midwest Environmental
Science Center
La Crosse, Wisconsin
Fish Lines: Mussel Recovery Underway Upper Mississippi River -A Partnership in Action

(1.5 MB) Vol. 3, No. 3 2005
Region 3 - Great Lakes/
Leadership in Conserving, Enhancing,
Aquatic Ecosystems

Final Report: Mussel (Bivalvia: Unionidae) survey of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area Corridor, 2000-01

(5.1 MB) July 2002
Dan Kelner and Mike Davis
Minnesota Department
Services Division

Conservation Plan for Freshwater Mussels of the Upper Mississippi River System

(1.1 MB) May 2004
Mussel Ad Hoc Committee
of the
Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee

Conservation Plan for Freshwater Mussels
Higgins Eye Pearlymussel (Lampsilis higginsii)
Recovery Plan: First Revision

(3.0 MB) May 2004
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Great Lakes/Big Rivers Region
Ft. Snelling, Minnesota
Annual Report: Quantitative Assessment of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha, Pallas, 1771)in the Lower St. Croix River at Native Mussels Beds

(368 KB) December 2004
National Park Service, St. Croix National Scenic Riverway St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin
Final Biological Opinion for the Upper Mississippi River-Illinois Waterway System Navigation Feasibility Study

(1.1 MB) August 2004
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Rock Island Field Office, Rock Island, Illinois Marion Suboffice, Marion, Illinois Twin Cities Field Office, Bloomington, Minnesota
Lampsilis higginsii recovery project Genoa National Fish Hatchery

(323 KB) January 2004
Roger Gordon and Tony Brady
Genoa National Fish Hatchery
Lampsilis higginsii recovery project Genoa National Fish Hatchery
Genetic variability and geographic structure of
Lampsilis higginsii mussels in the
upper Mississippi River and tributaries

(318 KB) September 2004
Bonnie Bowen
Mississippi River Between the Missouri River and Minneapolis, 9-Foot Channel Project -
Measures for Managing Zebra Mussels
Reconnaissance Report

(1.5 MB) August 2003
St. Paul District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Measures for Managing Zebra Mussels in the Upper Mississippi River Navigation System:
Federal Interest Assessment

(82 KB) May 2003
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Paul District
COE zebra mussel study
Saving the Higgins'’ Eye Pearlymussel (Lampsilis higginisii) from Extinction:
2002 Status Report on the Accomplishments of the Mussel Coordination Team
(5.6 MB) April 2003
Mussel Coordination Team
Mussel Coordination Team 2002 Status Report
Landscape Analysis of Freshwater Mussels in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
Teresa Newton, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, 2003
Progress Report on Genetic Study of Lampsilis higginsii
(222 KB) February 2003
Bonnie Bowen
Iowa State University

Progress report on genetic study of Lampsilis higginsii
2003 Action Plan for
the Lower St. Croix River
(104 KB) May 2003
St. Croix Zebra Mussel Task Force
Fish Host Identification for Glochidia of the Endangered Winged Mapleleaf Mussel (Quadrula fragosa) at the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
(24 KB) February 2003
Pam Thiel
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Dr. Teresa Newton
Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
UMR Mussel Species Distribution
(135 KB) 2003
Dan Kelner
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Paul District
Definite Project Report and Environmental Assessment for Relocation Plan for the Endangered Higgins’ Eye Pearlymussel (Lampsilis higginsii), Upper Mississippi river and Tributaries, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois
(2.5 MB) July 2002
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Mussel Coordination Team
Lampsilis higginsii relocation study area
Propagation and Restoration of
Higgins' Eye Pearlymussels in the
Upper Mississippi River Basin:
Partnership Efforts and Achievements
in 2000-2001

(2.9 MB) June 2002
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Fishery Resource Office
Onalaska, Wisconsin
Propagation and Restoration of Higgins'' Eye Pearlymussels in the Upper Mississippi River Basin: Partnership Efforts and Achievements in 2000-2001
Propagation of the Federally Endangered Higgins’ eye Pearlymussel (Lampsilis higginsii) at the Genoa National Fish Hatchery as a Survival Strategy
(571 KB) October 2000
Kurt Welke
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Todd Turner, Roger Gordon,
Valerie Hyde, Pam Thiel
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Propagation of the Federally Endangered Higgins’ eye pearlymussel (Lampsilis higginsii) at the Genoa National Fish Hatchery as a Survival Strategy
Native Freshwater Mussels of the Upper Mississippi River System
(376 KB) July 2000
Marian Havlik and Jennifer Sauer
Upper Midwest
Environmental Science Center
Native Freshwater Mussels of the Upper Mississippi River System

Biological Opinion for the
Operation and Maintenance of the 9-Foot Navigation Channel on the Upper Mississippi River System
(571 KB) April 2000
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
A Strategic Plan for the Management of the
Freshwater Mussel Resource of the Upper Mississippi River
(15.9 MB) 1987
Mussel Management Committee - Fish Technical Section
Upper Mississippi Conservation Committee
A Strategic Plan for the Management of the Freshwater Mussel Resource of the Upper Mississippi River

Species Identification and LocationThreatened and Endangered MusselsLife HistoryEcology Mussel Harvest on the RiverCurrent ThreatsMussel Conservation ActivitiesOngoing Studies and ProjectsMultimediaTeacher ResourcesFrequently Asked QuestionsGlossaryReferencesLinks to Other Mussel Sites


Department of the InteriorU.S. Fish & Wildlife ServiceU.S. Geological Survey
Last updated on November 17, 2006