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Jewish Resistance — A Working Bibliography


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Agmon, Pinchas, ed. Edut meuherat: Nitsole Shoah me-Ukrainah mesaprim. Tel Aviv: Ghetto Fighters’ House, 1997.

Agmon, Pinchas, et al., eds. Vinnitskaia oblast’: Katastrofa (Shoa) i soprotivlenie: Sho’ah (Vinnitsa District: Holocaust and resistance). Tel Aviv: Ghetto Fighters’ House, 1993.

Ajzensztadt, Amnon. Endurance: Chronicles of Jewish Resistance. New York: Mosaic Press, 1987.

Brayer, Shalom. Ha-mered be-Kostopol: Lo hiskamnu la-lekhet ke-tson la-tevah (The rebellion in Kostopol: It is not true that we were led to the slaughter like sheep). Tel Aviv: Yaron Golan, 1996.

Diment, Michael. The Lone Survivor: A Diary of the Lukacze Ghetto and Svyniukhy, Ukraine. New York: Holocaust Library, 1992.

Elisavetskii, Ster Iakovlevich. Polveka zabveniia: Evrei v dvizhenii soprotivleniia i partizanskoi bor’be v Ukraine, 1941–1944 (Half a century without recognition: Jews in the resistance movement and the partisan struggle in Ukraine, 1941-1944). Kiev: Mezhdunarodnyi Solomonov Universitet, 1998.

Gorenshtain, Yosef. Partizan (Partisan). Tel Aviv: Teraklin, 1994.

Marshall, Robert. In the Sewers of Lvov: A Heroic Story of Survival From the Holocaust. New York: Scribner’s, 1991.

Praff, Giora. Glimmers of Light in a Betraying Land. New York: Shengold Publishers, 1994.

Rosenblatt, Gad. Esh ahazah ba-ya’ar: ’Im pelugat partizanim Yehudit uve-hativat Kubepak (The fire that engulfed the forest: With a Jewish partisan unit in the Kubepak Battalion). Tel Aviv: Ghetto Fighters’ House, 1976.