In the Field

March 2012

USIP's Tim Lucarro writes from USIP's field office in Kabul about what some of the city's big homes say about corruption in Afghanistan.

Libyans celebrate the fall of Moammar Gadhafi at Martyr's Square in Tripoli, Libya, Oct. 21, 2011. A smiling woman with a phone and camera is on the left. (Photo Credit: Joao Pina/The New York Times)
March 2012

USIP's Vivienne O'Connor discusses the intersection of post traumatic stress disorder and its effect on Libyans emerging from conflict based on a recent trip there.

February 2012

USIP's Colette Rausch looks back to the future of Libya, pondering the year since the uprising began there.

January 2012

On the eve of the one-year commemoration of Egypt’s uprising, U.S. Institute of Peace fellow Robin Wright spent ten days in Cairo interviewing the new spectrum of political players, from the protesters camping out at Tahrir Square to the new Muslim Brotherhood and Salafi Members of Parliament as well as former al-Jihad extremists released from decades in jail.

January 2012

USIP's Colette Rausch files a post from Burma at an historic time. 

November 2011

USIP's Virginia M. Bouvier reflects on her 2011 visit to Colombia's City of Women, a settlement for people displaced by violence.

February 2011

The Institute's work is not always visible because it seeks to protect the people it works with in conflict zones‭. USIP Executive Vice President outlines USIP's work in a few of the regions you care about.