
November 6, 2012 - November 8, 2012

Gain essential problem-based learning skills and examine the dilemmas faced in humanitarian and human rights law promotion through the use of case studies and interactive exercises.

October 15, 2012 - October 17, 2012

Learn about the sources of ongoing conflict and possible emergence of new conflict in the two Sudans, including the issues of oil revenue, citizenship, debt, and border demarcation between the north and south.

October 9, 2012 - October 12, 2012

Explore successful humanitarian assistance and longer-term needs for social well-being and development in fragile states. Analyze the links between social well-being—particularly health, education, environmental protection, and refugee needs—and security, governance, rule of law, and economic development.

May 15, 2012 - May 17, 2012
April 9, 2012 - April 13, 2012

Learn how to use Intergroup Dialogue (ID) to engage alienated groups in safe conversation about their identities with the goal of improving understanding, dismantling perceptions of the “other,” and creating alliances that help pave the way to greater intergroup cooperation and peaceful coexistence.

An in-depth and multi-disciplinary perspective on civilian-based movements and campaigns to defend and obtain basic rights and justice around the world. This course will focus on governance, civil society, grassroots movements, and human rights.

Disputes and grievances over land and property are implicated in practically all conflicts. This course provides policymakers and practitioners with analytical tools for assessing and addressing an array of complex land and property disputes, from competing ownership claims and restitution to customary land rights and illegal urban settlements. Drawing on case studies of peace operations and peacebuilding efforts, participants explore the range of entry points (humanitarian, human rights, state building, development, etc.) and options for dispute resolution and structural reform.

This course offers skills to navigate respectfully within religious spaces and with religious leaders, as well as how and when to implement programming in partnership with religious communities. It provides guidelines for engaging with senior figures as well as grassroots communities. The course provides lessons on how religion interacts with social, political, and economic dynamics. It provides guidance for ongoing consultations with religious communities, as well as assessment of program impact.

Learn how to better grasp and respond to cultural differences, improve situational awareness in post-conflict environments, and build up abilities in empathy and emotional intelligence for different cultural settings.