Video courtesy of Maryland Public Television

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  • How to navigate the site

    This site serves as the main public outreach portal for the Service’s contribution to the Chesapeake Bay watershed conservation effort. Prior to exploring the site, we recommend reviewing the navigation guide to gain a better understanding of the site’s organization and available interactive reports.

    Please keep in mind that this site is designed to provide an overview of the Service’s conservation efforts in the watershed. Throughout this portal, there are links to various external sites that can provide a broader perspective, and more detail, on the ongoing federal, state, local and non-governmental efforts underway to preserve this treasured landscape.

  • Living resources of the Chesapeake Bay
    Living Resources
  • Habitats they use and need
  • What you can do

News updates

Fiscal Year 2011 Plan Details $491 million for Restoration

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is one of several federal agencies that contributed to the first-annual Action Plan for fiscal year 2011. The action plan, released September 30, 2010, details funding and activities dedicated to restoration and protection of the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed, including meeting the specific goals set forth in the Executive Order strategy. These actions are based on the PresidentÕs FY 2011 Budget Request and are contingent upon receipt of congressional appropriations in support of that request. The Action Plan is available at

Pristine Bald Cypress-Atlantic Cedar Wetlands Protected!

Through the efforts of the Pocomoke River Conservation Partnership, 290 acres of unique southern bald cypress - Atlantic white cedar forested wetland will be protected. Located across from Hickory Point Cypress Swamp Natural Heritage Area (NHA), known to support twelve state-listed species including the state-endangered Swainson's warbler, the property is considered to be an extension of the ecologically significant habitat found at Hickory Point. Uplands adjacent to this property served as a translocation site for the federally endangered Delmarva fox squirrel, and there are three bald eagle nests directly across the river from this property. Both Delmarva fox squirrels and bald eagles have been observed on the property. It will be incorporated into the Pocomoke State Forest.

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3.25 Million Restoration Stockings of American Shad in the Rappahannock River, Virginia in 2009

In 2009, Harrison Lake National Fish Hatchery produced and stocked 3.25 million marked American shad fry as part of a cooperative interagency project to restore this commercially and recreationally important fishery species to the Rappahannock River. All of the released fish carry a permanent tetracycline mark on their ear bones that distinguish them from wild fish, which will allow biologists to determine the success of the hatchery program.

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