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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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Food Defense and Emergency Response

Guidance for Industry

Guidance documents contain nonbinding recommendations.

Emergency Response


Prior Notice of Food Imports


Registration of Food Facilities


Establishment and Maintenance of Records


Administrative Detention


Food and Cosmetic Security Preventive Measures Guidance

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Nederlandse (Dutch)

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ไทย (Thai PDF, 187KB)

This document also available in:

Nederlandse (Dutch)

Deutsch (German)

Français (French)

العربية (Arabic PDF, 55KB)

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中国 (Simplified Chinese PDF, 264KB)

中國 (Traditional Chinese PDF, 234KB)

ไทย (Thai PDF, 293KB)

This document also available in:

Nederlandse (Dutch)

Deutsch (German)

Français (French)

العربية (Arabic PDF, 280KB)

한국의 ( Korean PDF, 267KB)

中国 (Simplified Chinese PDF, 271KB)

中國 (Traditional - Chinese PDF, 244KB)

ไทย ( Thai PDF, 300KB)



