In the Field

May 2012

The mining industry offers considerable opportunities but equally significant challenges before it can aid in stabilizing Afghanistan's economy.

Countries: Afghanistan | Issue Areas: Economics and Conflict
March 2012

USIP's Tim Lucarro writes from USIP's field office in Kabul about what some of the city's big homes say about corruption in Afghanistan.

February 2012

USIP's Colette Rausch looks back to the future of Libya, pondering the year since the uprising began there.

January 2012

The Polish government makes use of USIP training to help key figures from Afghanistan and Tunisia lead their own countries’ transitions.

November 2011

The project will empower civil society organizations in Afghanistan by developing tools for socio-economic monitoring, conducting a baseline survey of measurable indicators, establishing a public forum to promote accountability and publishing findings and recommendations.

Countries: Afghanistan | Issue Areas: Economics and Conflict
November 2011

The Center for Sustainable Economies (CSE) co-sponsored and participated in a Conference entitled “Beyond Emergency Responses in the DRC” in Bujumbura, Burundi, in June 2009.

November 2011

The project aims to promote and institutionalize anti-corruption strategies that enhance prospects for people in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Working with representatives from the business sector has helped develop a code of conduct in the DRC to support anti-corruption measures.

May 2011

USIP has a created an online community around The Iran Primer - a book also available online. New articles on The Iran Primer website have captured key junctures in Iranian politics, economy and foreign policy from experts who were in the field in Iran during the contentious 2009 presidential election and its aftermath, and more.  Learn more and join the community.   

May 2011

USIP expert Steven Heydemann, on the ground in Beirut, Lebanon, gives his perspective on regional reactions to President Obama's speech on the Middle East and North Africa, and the president's statements on the 1967 borders of Israel.

February 2011

The Institute's work is not always visible because it seeks to protect the people it works with in conflict zones‭. USIP Executive Vice President outlines USIP's work in a few of the regions you care about.