The Iran Primer: Capturing Key Perspectives on Iran

May 27, 2011

USIP has a created an online community around The Iran Primer - a book also available online. New articles on The Iran Primer website have captured key junctures in Iranian politics, economy and foreign policy from experts who were in the field in Iran during the contentious 2009 presidential election and its aftermath, and more. The community brings together contributing experts come from 20 foreign policy think tanks, eight universities, and senior foreign policy officials from six U.S. administrations.

Widely Diverse Iranian Views on bin Laden’s Death

USIP's Semira Nikou writes a roundup of how Iranian officials on the ground in Iran reacted to the capture and killing of Osama bin Laden. She writes, "Iran discounted Osama bin Laden’s death while at the same time calling for a faster U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan since the pretext for going to war was eliminated."

Read the full roundup

Iran: The Quiet Before the Storm

How is Iran reacting to the "Arab Spring" uprisings that have taken place across the Middle East and North Africa? Author Alireza Nader, an international policy analyst at the RAND Corporation, explains the internal and external pressures that Iran faces.

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The Impact of Syria's Unrest on Iran

Jubin Goodarzi, a professor of International Relations at Webster University Geneva, Switzerland, looks at the role Iran is playing in Syria's unrest and the impact the unrest is having on Iran.

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