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Poonum Agrawal

Poonum Agrawal
Sentech/SRA International, Bethesda, MD, USA
Wednesday Poster Session: Characterization and Assessment of Novel Bulk Storage Technologies
Poonum Agrawal provides technical analysis, management, and strategic planning related to energy technology research and development (R&D), sustainability, and climate analysis. [More]

Jon Anderson

Jon Anderson
C&D Technologies Inc., Blue Bell, PA, USA
Session 2: Enabling Renewable Energy Transmission - Advanced Carbon Energy Storage System for Transmission Utilization Improvement
Jon Anderson is currently the Director of New Technology Development for C&D Technologies Inc. He and his group are responsible for research and development at C&D, including emerging technologies and systems development. [More]

Travis M. Anderson

Travis M. Anderson
Advanced Power Sources Research and Development, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque NM, USA
Session 4: MetILs: A Family of Metal Ionic Liquids for Redox Flow Batteries
Travis M. Anderson (Ph.D., Emory University, 2002) is a staff member in Sandia National Laboratories' Advanced Power Sources Research and Development group. His research interests focus around the synthesis and characterization of redox-active coordination complexes, flow batteries, and thermal battery aging.


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L.E.A. Berlouis

L.E.A. Berlouis
C-Tech Innovation Ltd., Chester, UK
Session 3: Substrates for the Positive Electrode Reaction in the Zinc-Cerium Redox Flow Battery
Dr. Len Berlouis is a Reader in Physical Chemistry in the Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. He obtained his Ph.D. from Southampton University (England, UK) in 1982 working on AC impedance characterization of flow-through porous electrodes. [More]

Andrew Burke - Photo Unavailable

Andrew Burke
University of California-Davis, Institute of Transportation Studies, Davis, CA, USA
Session 10: Ultracapacitor Technology for Utility Applications


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Peter Coppin

Peter Coppin
Storage for Renewables, CSIRO Energy Transformed Flagship, Canberra, ACT, AU
Session 10: Ultrabattery Storage Technology and Advanced Algorithms at the Megawatt Scale
Dr. Peter Coppin received his B.Sc. (Hons) degree in 1974 and his Ph.D. degree in micro-meteorology from Flinders University of South Australia in 1978. After completing a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Hannover, Germany from 1978 to 1980 in wind energy, he was appointed as a research scientist at CSIRO in 1980. [More]

Mariesa Crow

Mariesa Crow
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA
Session 6: A Power Electronic Conditioner Using Electrochemical Capacitors to Improve Wind Turbine Power Quality
Mariesa L. Crow is the F. Finley Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T). She received her B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan and her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois – Urbana/Champaign. [More]


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Giovanni Damato

Giovanni Damato
StrateGen Consulting, LLC, Berkeley, CA, USA
Session 10: Energy Storage -- A Cheaper, Faster, and Cleaner Alternative to Conventional Frequency Regulation
Giovanni Damato has led StrateGen's Value Proposition Practice in distributed energy storage since 2005. Storage technology providers, global solar integrators, leading real estate developers, and public utility commissions have sought out his expertise to make critical strategic decisions about distributed storage markets, including the integration of storage with renewable energy resources. [More]

Paul Denholm - Photo Unavailable

Paul Denholm
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA
Session 5: Thermal Energy Storage as an Enabling Technology for Renewable Energy
Paul Denholm is a Senior Energy Analyst in the Strategic Energy Analysis Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. His research interests include examining the technical, economic, and environmental benefits and impacts of large-scale deployment of renewable electricity generation, including the role of enabling technologies such as energy storage, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and long-distance transmission. [More]


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James M. Eyer
Distributed Utility Associates, Inc., Oakland, CA, USA
Session 1: Evaluating Modular Distributed Electricity Resources for Utility Transmission and Distribution Upgrade Deferral and Life Extension
Chair, Session 11: Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)
Jim Eyer is the Principal and Senior Analyst for E&I Consulting. For the last 15 years, he has also served as the Senior Analyst for Distributed Utility Associates. Mr. Eyer's 27-year career has focused on energy efficiency, renewables, and advanced energy technologies, concepts, benefits, and markets. [More]


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Frederik Geth

Frederik Geth
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Session 2: Grid-Supporting Battery Energy Storage Systems in the Low-Voltage Distribution Grid
Frederik Geth received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.Leuven), Leuven, Belgium, in 2009. Currently, he is working as a research assistant with the division ESAT-ELECTA. [More]


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Hiroshi Hanafusa

Hiroshi Hanafusa
SANYO Electric Co., Ltd., Smart Energy System Division, Moriguchi, Japan
Session 6: Sanyo's Smart Energy System with a 1.5-Megawatt Hour Lithium-Ion Battery and 1-Megawatt Photovoltaic Solar System
Hiroshi Hanafusa joined the SANYO Electric Central Institute in 1981. He contributed to the development of semiconductors such as system LSI for digital camcorders for 10 years and acquired his doctor's degree. [More]

Tetsuya Hatta

Tetsuya Hatta
NGK Insulators, Ltd., Nagoya, Japan
Session 2: Recent Applications of Sodium-Sulfur (NAS) Battery System in the United States and In Japan
Tetsusya Hatta is Manager of the Engineering Department, NAS Battery Division, NGK Insulators, Ltd. His specialty is electric engineering. He has worked in the research and development and engineering divisions. [More]

Jacquelynne Hernández

Jacquelynne Hernández
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico, USA
Monday Poster Session: Recent U.S. Policy and Legal Implications for Energy Storage vis-à-vis RPS Mandates
Jacquelynne Hernandez is a member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), in the Energy Systems Analysis group. Her education includes a BSEET (focus area: Power Electronics) from DeVry Institute of Technology in Decatur, Georgia; a BSEE from University of New Mexico; and an MSEE from New Mexico State University in Power Engineering, part of the Electric Utilities Management Program. [More]

Steven Hickey - Photo Unavailable

Steven Hickey
RedFlow Limited, Brisbane, Queensland, AU
Session 9: Systems Integration Strategies for the 10-kWh Redflow Zinc Bromine Battery Module
Steven Hickey received a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering at University of Queensland in 1982. After a brief stint as UQ Energy Management Engineer, he moved to the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) for the mining research program, working on seismic and blast vibration instrumentation. [More]

Jeff Hires

Jeff Hires
GS Battery (USA) Inc., Roswell, GA, USA
Monday Poster Session: Applying Renewable Storage to the Commercial Environment
Mr. Hires joined GS Battery in 2010 and currently serves as Engineering Manager. Mr. Hires graduated from the University of Florida with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering in 2004. Mr. Hires is a registered professional engineer (electrical) with over 9 years experience. [More]

Kent Holst

Kent Holst
Iowa Stored Energy Park (ISEP), Traer, IA, USA
Session 11: Iowa Stored Energy Park "Lessons From Iowa"
Kent Holst is the Development Director for the Iowa Stored Energy Park (ISEP). He has served in this position since the formation of the Iowa Stored Energy Plant Agency (ISEPA) in 2005. Before then he served on the ISEP Committee of the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities. [More]

J. Hornberger - Photo Unavailable

J. Hornberger
Arkansas Power Electronics International, Inc., Fayetteville, AR, USA
Session 9: Commercialization of Silicon Carbide Power Modules for High-Performance Energy Applications

Craig R. Horne - Photo Unavailable

Craig R. Horne
EnerVault Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, USA
Session 8: Demonstration of Energy Storage Using A Breakthrough Redox Flow Battery Technology


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Sam Jaffe - Photo Unavailable

Sam Jaffe
IDC Energy Insights, Boulder, CO, USA
Tuesday Poster Session: Economic and Cost Modeling of the Repurposing Electrical Vehicle Batteries for Stationary Storage Applications
Sam Jaffe is responsible for researching, writing, and editing qualitative and quantitative reports and presentations evaluating a range of distributed energy topics. His recent research includes reports on the utility industry's response to the rollout of electric vehicles, an analysis of the concept of the virtual power plant, and an overview of the energy storage sector. [More]


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Robert Kaplar

Robert Kaplar
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Session 6: Degradation Mechanisms and Characterization Techniques in Silicon Carbide MOSFETs at High-Temperature Operation
Robert Kaplar received a B.S. degree in Physics from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (1994), and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (1998 and 2002). From 2002 to 2005 he was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Albuquerque, New Mexico. [More]

Nikhil Koratkar - Photo Unavailable

Nikhil Koratkar
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA
Tuesday Poster Session: Silicon Nano-Scoop Anodes for High-Power Li-Ion Batteries


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Olga Lavrova

Olga Lavrova
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Session 7: Modeling of PV Plus Storage for Public Service Company of New Mexico's Prosperity Energy Storage Project
Olga Lavrova (SM 2000, M 2011) was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. She received her B.Sc. degree in Physics and M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the St. Petersburg State Electrical Engineering University, and her Ph.D. degree from the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) in 2001. [More]

Matthew Lazarewicz

Matthew Lazarewicz
Beacon Power Corp., Tyngsboro, MA, USA
Session 9: Managing the State of Charge of Energy Storage Systems Used for Frequency Regulation
Mr. Lazarewicz has been with Beacon Power Corp. for 12 years, where he serves as Vice President and Chief Technical Officer. Before joining Beacon Power, Mr. Lazarewicz worked for 25 years for General Electric in various engineering and managerial capacities in Power Systems and Aircraft Engines. [More]

Chang-Hui Lee

Chang-Hui Lee
RIST, Pohang, Korea
Tuesday Poster Session: Experimental Approach for Thermal Modeling of Sodium-Sulfur Battery Based on Isothermal Chamber Test
Dr. Lee is a senior researcher of RIST, South Korea. She is now involved in the assessment and analysis department considering reliability issues. She studied at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) for her Ph.D., M.S., and B.S. degrees. [More]

Liyu Li

Liyu Li
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA
Session 8: A New Fe/V Redox Flow Battery
Dr. Liyu Li has broad experience in the fields of clean coal and biomass utilization, carbon dioxide capture, and redox flow batteries for grid-level electricity storage. He also has broad experience in developing inorganic absorbents, hydrogen storage materials, heterogeneous catalysts, inorganic ion exchangers, and glass and ceramic nuclear waste forms. [More]

Michelle Lim

Michelle Lim
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
Monday Poster Session: Use of Storage to Mitigate Frequency Variations in a Load Frequency Control Model
Michelle Lim received a B.S. degree in aerospace engineering and an M.S. in electrical engineering from Wichita State University in 2006 and 2009, respectively. She has worked on the economic feasibility of integrating wind energy in the state of Kansas with a Department of Energy grant in 2009. [More]


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Michael Manwaring

Michael Manwaring
HDR Engineering, Charlotte, NC, USA
Session 10: Why Aren't We Building New, Grid-Scale Energy Storage Projects?
Michael Manwaring has more than 15 years of experience in the renewable energy field, primarily in the hydropower and pumped storage arena. He has planned, developed, and managed a variety of hydropower and water resources projects, from 50 megawatts (MW) to 1,300 MW. [More]

Anne Margolis - Photo Unavailable

Anne Margolis
Clean Energy States Alliance, Montpelier, VT, USA
Monday Poster Session: The State/Federal Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership Project
Anne Margolis is a Project Director for the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA), where she focuses primarily on member services as well as outreach and communication efforts to members and external stakeholders, including creation of print and web content. [More]

Roy McCann

Roy McCann
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA
Monday Poster Session: A Battery Storage System for Distributed Demand Response in Rural Environments
Dr. Roy McCann received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1990 and an M.S. in Electrical Engineering for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1991. After completing the MSEE degree, he was employed by General Motors Corporation in Dayton, Ohio, working towards the development of advanced electronically controlled engine, braking, and steering systems. He began a Ph.D. program at the University of Dayton in 1995 related to electric power systems research. [More]

Gabriel Miller

Gabriel Miller
Hudson Clean Energy Partners, Teaneck, New Jersey, USA
Session 1: The Impacts of Regulation, Policy, and Advanced Technologies, and Market Dynamics on the Deployment of Energy Storage Processes
Gabriel Miller, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer of Hudson, is responsible for technical analysis of clean technologies at Hudson. Dr. Miller is a retired Professor of Chemistry at New York University (NYU) and previously was a Professor of Engineering as well as a Professor of Energy and Atmospheric Science at NYU. [More]

June Kee Min

June Kee Min
Pusan National University, Busan, Korea
Session 7: Numerical Analysis on the Temperature Distribution in the Molten Sodium-Sulfur Battery Module
Dr. Min is a research professor at Rolls-Royce University Technology Center in Thermal Management at Pusan National University, South Korea. He studied at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) for his B.S. degree and at the Seoul National University (SNU) for his Ph.D. and M.S. degree. [More]


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Michael Nakhamkin - Photo Unavailable

Michael Nakhamkin
Energy Storage and Power, LLC, Bridgewater, NJ, USA
Session 9: Second-Generation Compressed Air Energy Storage Technology Meeting Renewable Energy/Smart Grid Requirements
Dr. Nakhamkin is the P.E. and Chief Technology Officer of Energy Storage and Power, LLC.

Aparna Narang

Aparna Narang
Pacific Gas & Electric Company, San Francisco, CA, USA
Wednesday Poster Session: PG&E Compressed Air Energy Storage in California
Aparna Narang has over nine years of experience in the energy industry. She is currently the Program Manager for the $50M Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) initiative at the Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E). [More]

Jeremy Neubauer - Photo Unavailable

Jeremy Neubauer
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA
Tuesday Poster Session: Preliminary Findings of National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Battery Secondary-Use Project
Dr. Jeremy Neubauer is a Senior Engineer with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Center for Transportation Technologies and Systems. His primary responsibility lies in researching the reuse of retired automotive traction batteries to ultimately reduce the cost and accelerate the adoption of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles. [More]

Benjamin L. Norris

Benjamin L. Norris
Clean Power Research, Napa, CA, USA
Session 2: Determining Storage Reserves for Regulating Solar Variability on the Electric Power Grid
Ben Norris has managed technical and economic assessments of grid-connected renewable and storage technologies in the electric power industry for 26 years. His experience covers photovoltaics, solar thermal electric, flywheels, advanced batteries, and fuel cells. [More]


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Michael Oster - Photo Unavailable

Michael Oster
Eos Energy Storage, Easton, PA, USA
Session 5: Zinc/Air - A Low-Cost, Long-Life, and Safe Battery Technology
Michael Oster is CEO of Eos Energy Storage (formerly Grid Storage Technologies). Mr. Oster co-founded Eos in 2007 to develop and commercialize a utility-scale Zinc/Air battery system, which is a low-cost, energy-dense and safe battery technology with 6+ hours of storage. [More]


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Anthony Price

Anthony Price
Swanbarton, Ltd., Malmesbury, United Kingdom
Chair, Session 6: Power Electronics
Session 1: Don't Forget That: Past, Present, and Future Philosophy for Energy Storage
Anthony Price established Swanbarton as a consultancy business specializing in electrical energy storage in 2003 and has since consulted for battery and energy storage developers, users of storage, utilities, and government departments, in the United Kingdom (UK) and overseas. [More]


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Brad Roberts

Brad Roberts
S & C Electric, Franklin, WI, USA
Session 4: Applying a Variety of Battery Chemistries for Energy Storage
Bradford P. (Brad) Roberts is the Power Quality Systems Director for the Power Quality Products Division of S&C Electric Company, which specializes in low- and medium-voltage power protection systems. [More]

Edward P.L. Roberts

Edward P.L. Roberts
University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Session 3: Techno-Economic Modeling of a Utility Scale Redox Flow Battery System
Dr. Roberts is a Reader at the School of Chemical Engineering at the University of Manchester. He is an electrochemical engineer with 20 years of research experience on a wide range of technologies for energy and environmental applications. [More]


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Robert F. Savinell

Robert F. Savinell
Case Western Reserve Univ.
Wednesday Poster Session: Simulation and Optimization of a Flow Battery in an Area Regulation Application
Robert F. Savinell is the George S. Dively Professor of Engineering at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). He has been engaged in electrochemical engineering research and development for over 35 years with a focus on the understanding of fundamentals and mechanisms of electrochemical systems and devices, and their design, development, and optimization. [More]

Philip J. Scalzo - Photo Unavailable

Philip J. Scalzo
EMB Energy, Inc., Edmond, OK, USA
Session 7: Widespread Deployment of Electric Storage in the Industrial and Manufacturing Sectors

Robert B. Schainker

Robert B. Schainker
Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Session 11: New York State Electric and Gas American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage Demonstration Plant - 2011 Status
Dr. Robert Schainker is Senior Technical Executive in the Electric Power Research Institute Power Delivery and Utilization Sector. His research activities cover energy storage, generation, and transmission technologies with special focus on compressed air energy storage, battery energy storage, strategic planning, electric grid dynamic stability, transmission substations, high-voltage power flow controllers, transformers, and power quality. [More]

Martha Schreiber

Martha Schreiber
Cellstrom GmbH, IZNÖ-Süd Wr. Neudorf, Austria
Session 8: Lifetime of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
Martha Schreiber is co-founder and managing director of Cellstrom. She has over 25 years of experience in battery research and development, all dedicated to the design and implementation of electrochemical storage systems into mobile and stationary applications. [More]

Matthew Senesky

Matthew Senesky
National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, CA, USA
Session 6: Battery Module Balancing with a Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter
Matthew Senesky received A.B. and B.E. degrees from Dartmouth College, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. His academic research included topics in flywheel energy storage and micro-scale power generation. [More]

Joseph H. Simmons - Photo Unavailable

Joseph H. Simmons
Arizona Research Institute for Solar Energy (AzRISE), University of Arizona, 4715 Ft. Lowell Road, Tucson, AZ, USA
Session 11: Small-Scale Scalable Compressed Air Energy Storage System with Thermal Management

Ranbir Singh - Photo Unavailable

Ranbir Singh
GeneSiC Semiconductor, Dulles, Virginia, USA
Session 6: Ultra-High-Voltage Silicon-Carbide (SiC) Thyristors - Next-Generation Power Electronics Building Blocks
Dr. Ranbir Singh founded GeneSiC Semiconductor Inc. in 2004. He has developed critical understanding and published on a wide range of silicon carbide (SiC) power devices including PiN, JBS and Schottky diodes, metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs), insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), thyristors, and field controlled thyristors. [More]

Robert C.T. Slade

Robert C.T. Slade
Chemical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, United Kingdom
Session 3: Temperature Dependence of Key Performance Indicators for Aqueous Electrochemical Capacitors Containing Nanostructured Birnessite Manganese Dioxide
Bob Slade is Professor of Energy Chemistry at the University of Surrey (25 miles from London, UK) and leads a team of 20+ researchers in sustainable electrochemical generation and storage of electrical energy. He trained at the University of Oxford and has previously held posts in the UK at the Universities of York, Oxford, and Exeter. [More]

Samir Succar

Samir Succar
Natural Resources Defense Council, New York, NY, USA
Wednesday Poster Session: Compressed Air Energy Storage and Geographic Aggregation: Mutually Reinforcing Strategies for Integrating Wind Power
Samir Succar is part of the National Resources Defense Council's (NRDC's) Center for Market Innovation based in New York. Mr. Succar's work focuses on the integration of renewable energy and the role of transmission and distribution infrastructure upgrades, demand resources, energy storage, and other enabling technologies. [More]


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Byron Washom

Byron Washom
University of California San Diego, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, La Jolla, CA, USA
Session 7: Optimization Routine for Energy Storage Dispatch Scheduling in Grid-Connected, Combined Photovoltaic-Storage Systems
Chair, Session 8: Emerging EES Technologies
Byron Washom is the University of California at San Diego's (UCSD's) new Director of Strategic Energy Initiatives and is responsible for energy management policy to achieve the campus' goals for quantum improvements in energy management and greenhouse gas reductions. [More]

J. F. Whitacre

J. F. Whitacre
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon, University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Aquion Energy, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Session 5: The Aqueous Electrolyte Sodium Ion Battery: A Low-Cost Solution From Aquion Energy
Dr. J.F. Whitacre received a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1999. He held various positions at Caltech and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory before taking his current Professorship at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in 2007. [More]

Dr. R.G.A. Wills - Photo Unavailable

Dr. R.G.A. Wills
Research Institute for Industry (RIfI), University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
Session 3: The Development of Flow Batteries from Proof of Concept to Pilot Scale
Dr Richard Wills is a senior research fellow with the Research Institute for Industry (RIfI) at the University of Southampton, UK. His research is focused on energy conversion technologies, in particular redox flow batteries, fuel cells, and electrode materials. [More]

Chun-Hsing Wu

Chun-Hsing Wu
Green Energy and Environmental Research Laboratories (GEL), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Chutung, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Tuesday Poster Session: Effects of Operating Parameters on the Single-Cell Performance of the Vanadium Redox Flow Battery for Energy Storage
Dr. Chun-Hsin Wu is a researcher of the Green Energy and Environmental Lab (GEL) in the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). His graduate research was focused on the reaction kinetic study on organic waste decomposition by a titanium dioxide photo-catalyst. [More]


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Zhenguo (Gary) Yang

Zhenguo (Gary) Yang
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA
Session 5: Advanced Electrochemical Storage RD&D at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for Renewable Integration and Grid Applications
Dr. Zhenguo (Gary) Yang is a Lab Fellow at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) of the U.S. Department of Energy, where he conducts applied research into advanced materials and energy conversion and storage. Currently, he is leading efforts in developing varied electrochemical energy storage technologies, in particular for renewable integration and grid applications. [More]

Zhang Yu - Photo Unavailable

Zhang Yu
Technology and Development Center of Shanghai Municipal Electrical Power Company, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Session 4: Exploration and Practice of Energy Storage Technology in Shanghai