How To Submit Documents to the Technical Reports (TR) Database


1. Electronically using the Web (preferred method):

  Submit documents
  electronically with
  simple form
Provide additional information and enables you to track documents submitted


Quick Submission - this offers a simple way to submit documents. Ideal for those who submit limited amounts of documents per year and don't need advanced report capabilities. Quick submission provides a document reference number to serve as your confirmation of receipt.

Detailed Submission - this requires additional information. This will allow submitters to electronically track and generate reports of their submissions.


2. Digital Media or Hard Copy:

Step 1- Submission Forms:

For effective cataloging, DTIC requests submissions be accompanied with an SF-298 Report Documentation Page, in one of the following formats:

SF-298(Word Format)
SF-298(PDF Format)PDF Icon

SF-298 Form instructions (PDF Format) PDF Icon
Solutions for common Adobe Acrobat Reader errors PDF Icon


Step 2- Distribution Statement:

ALL documents submitted must have an appropriate Distribution Statement and reason in accordance with DoD Directive 5230.24 PDF Icon . The Distribution Statement must be clearly marked on either the document or the SF-298.


Step 3- Number of copies:

One legible copy of each document is needed either as digital meda or in hard copy. For hard copies, the document does not have to be professionally bound because the bindings will have to be removed in order to process the documents through DTIC's electronic document management system.

Step 4- Where To Send Your Reports:


Mailing Address:

Defense Technical Information Center
8725 John J. Kingman Rd Suite 0944
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6218



For unclassified, unlimited (U2) documents only; DTIC prefers .pdf.

Email unclassified, unlimited files to:TR@DTIC.MIL.


NOTE: DTIC cannot accept the following file types via email: password protected, zipped or compressed files, file with the extensions: *.vbs, *.cmd, *.exe, *.bat, *.com, *.mp3, *.eml and *.dll.)


If you have questions or need assistance, email DTIC's Information Collection Division at TR@DTIC.MIL or telephone, 1-800-225-3842 (menu selection 7).


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