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Benthic Macroinvertebrates

Sensitive Benthos

Moderately Tolerant Benthos

Pollution Tolerant Benthos

Alderfly larvae (Illinois Ecowatch Network)

Alderfly larvae


complete (see our life cycle page for more information)


possess a single tail filament with distinct hairs; body is thick-skinned with 6 to 8 filaments on each side of the abdomen; gills are located near the base of each filament; color brownish.


female deposits eggs on vegetation that overhangs water, larvae hatch and fall directly into water.


dark with long wings folded back over the body.


larvae are aggressive predators, feeding on other adult aquatic  macroinvertebrates; as secondary consumers, they are eaten by other larger predators.

Scientific Name:

Class: Insecta
  Order: Megaloptera
   Family: Sialidae

Indicator Role:

Alderflies are generally intolerant of pollution.

Information Source:

McDonald, B., W. Borden, J. Lathrop.1990. Citizen Stream Monitoring: A Manual for Illinois. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, ILENR/RE-WR-90/18. Springfield, Illinois.

Drawing of alderfly larvae and adult (McDonald et al. 1990)

Alderfly larvae and adult

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