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Reserve Personnel Management Division

Reserve Personnel Services Branch

new ALCGPSC 065/12: Updates to Reserve Component Incapacitation System Management Process new

new ALCGRSV 015/12: Updated Guidance for Processing Reserve Member Claims for Incapacitation Pay new

new Reserve Medical Guide new

 Incap Process Flow Chart


RPM-3 manages the Coast Guard incapacitation system for ill and injured reservists and acts as the Coast Guard’s Benefits Issuing Authority (BIA) for medical hold (retention) orders, Active Duty for Health Care (ADHC) orders, and Notices of Eligibility (NOE).

Specifically, RPM-3 is responsible for:

VA Disability Compensation

Reservists who are receiving VA disability compensation are not entitled to receive military pay and allowances (active duty or IDT) at the same time.  Any reservist receiving VA disability compensation must elect to receive military pay and allowances or VA compensation through annual submission of a waiver form to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The Notice of Waiver of VA Compensation or Pension to Receive Military Pay and Allowances VA Form 21-8951-2 is used to elect a waiver of VA compensation or military pay and allowances.  VA Form 21-8951-2 must be completed each fiscal year by the member, endorsed by the member’s unit CO, and submitted to the VA regional office responsible for the member’s VA claim file.

If you have questions or need assistance with completing VA Form 21-8951-2, please contact the VA at 1-800-827-1000.

Additional information regarding VA Disability Compensation is available from the Department of Veterans Affairs website at:


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Last Modified 6/6/2012