R 291251Z MAY 12 ALCGPSC 065/12 SUBJ: UPDATES TO RESERVE COMPONENT INCAPACITATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PROCESSES A. COMDT COGARD WASHINGTON DC 061359Z APR 12 - ALCOAST 161/12 B. Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28 (Series) C. Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual (PPPM), PPCINST M1000.2 (Series) D. Physical Disability Evaluation System, COMDTINST M1850.2 (Series) 1. This ALCGPSC announces important updates to Reserve Component incapacitation system management processes. 2. Effective immediately, PSC-rpm is implementing new reserve incapacitation benefits counseling requirements and enhanced incapacitation case reviews. These changes support the disciplined management of Reserve incapacitation benefits programs in a manner that protects both the rights and benefits of reserve members and Coast Guard interests, and ensures alignment with Refs (A) and (B). 3. Benefits Counseling Requirements. a. PSC-rpm will review each reported case of injury or illness to determine a member's eligibility for reserve incapacitation benefits and the type of benefit to be authorized. Once that determination is made, the member shall be counseled by the unit regarding the incapacitation benefits using the appropriate CG-3307 (Administrative Remarks) entry. b. Three templates, created as Entry Type Reserve Incapacitation Benefits (RIB), have been developed for Notice of Eligibility (RIB-1), Medical Hold (RIB-2), and Active Duty for Health Care (RIB-3) benefits. The RIB-1 entry shall be used in place of the signed member endorsement to the Notice of Eligibility (NOE) memo. The templates are available in Encl 6 of Ref (C) and may be accessed via the PPC webpage at: http://www.uscg.mil/hr/psc/3pm.asp. c. A copy of the signed CG-3307 entry must be provided to PSC-rpm-3 before benefits will be authorized. 4. Incapacitation Case Reviews. a. Pursuant to Ref (A), PSC-rpm, acting as Benefits Issuing Authority, has sole authority to determine the type and extent of reserve incapacitation benefits, including when a reservist shall be transitioned from active duty orders (medical hold or ADHC) to a NOE. b. PSC-rpm shall review all open medical hold and ADHC cases to validate medical status and incapacitation benefits. When a review determines that active duty is no longer required for a member to receive appropriate medical care/treatment, the member will be transitioned to a NOE for the remainder of his/her medical care/treatment. In addition to medical care, a NOE authorizes compensation via incapacitation pay for a documented loss of earned income from civilian employment. c. PSC-rpm will notify members of their transition from medical hold or ADHC to a NOE via their chain of command, including the appropriate District (Dxr)/DG-1 staff. Every effort will be made to ensure sufficient demobilization time prior to RELAD. d. A reservist may appeal denial or termination of medical hold, ADHC, NOE or incapacitation pay benefits to COMDT (CG-13). Paragraph 6 of Ref (A) explains the appeals process, including guidelines for filing an appeal. e. Transition from medical hold or ADHC to a NOE has no impact on processing of Physical Evaluation Boards (PEB). Pending PEBs will continue to be adjudicated IAW with Ref (D). 5. PSC-rpm POCs: a. LCDR Christa O. Heffelfinger, (202) 493-1761, christa.o.heffelfinger(AT)uscg.mil b. HSC Randi L. Ward, (202) 493-1766, randilward2(AT)uscg.mil 6. RDML David R. Callahan, Commander, Personnel Service Center, sends. 7. Internet release authorized.