ORNL Review
ORNL Review Vol. 26 No's 3 & 4,  1993


Hydropower: Licensed To Protect the Environment

An interview with Mike Sale and Chuck Coutant

ORNL studies of hydroelectric dams try to satisfy needs for both power and environmental protection.

Discovery for Safety: Getting Acid Off Hoods

Wayne Scarbrough

When ORNL discovered that hot perchloric acid was used in unapproved hoods, swift action was taken.

Coal Combustion: Nuclear Resource or Danger?

Alex Gabbard

Emissions from burning coal include uranium and other nuclear materials--potential hazards and resources.

The Future of Nuclear Research Centers

Alvin Trivelpiece

The ORNL director calls for international collaborations on nuclear safety and other urgent challenges.


R&D Updates--Detecting cancers by laser; energy savings for low-income households; ORNL's role in an international fusion project; reactor vendors studied; traffic trends tracked

Technical Highlights--Plasma-spray diamond coatings made; geomagnetic device for detecting solar storms; removing cesium-137 from soils; on-site test for PCB contamination; laser-based optical effect discovered; 3 R&D 100 awards for ORNL researchers

Technology Transfer--PNEU-WORM robot licensed to REMOTEC; CRADA for finding uranium contamination with radon detectors; frozen-pellet paint-removal technique licensed; lessons of the SEMATECH project; ORNL in CRADA with General Motors on emission-control catalysts

Educational Activities--Tennessee high school students participate in DOE's supercomputing program

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