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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

ASPR Business Toolkit

Explanation of Examples and How They Can Be Used

Overview | Work Breakdown Structure | Gantt Chart | Contract Milestones/Deliverables Chart | Project Management Plan | Subcontractor Management Plan | Risk Management Plan |


These examples provide small companies that are new to developing project plans and proposals intended for product development with a step by step guide to the various documents that could be required with a response to a solicitation. 

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is the cornerstone document for the development of the project plan.  The categories identified in levels one through three of the sample WBS are used for standardized tracking and reporting within the ASPR / AMCG or the Vaccines and Biologics programs.  The top level of the WBS is used for program identification; level two identifies the 7 functional categories; and level 3 contains the reporting categories used within the agency for progress and tracking.  Below level three, the contractor has the flexibility to develop the project plan in a manner that best suits its organization. 

It is understood that not all contracts will include activities and tasks within all functional categories.  These documents are being provided as examples only and not intended to prescribe the use of the specified formats or any software packages.

The sample WBS provided here is being standardized and approved within the ASPR / AMCG for vaccines and biologics and will be applied to all vaccine and biologic contracts in the future.  Additional standardized WBSs are in development for drugs and devices.  

Gantt Chart

The example Gantt Chart follows the same structure as the WBS and includes a cross reference to the WBS for the purpose of planning activities in each of the functional areas.  The example Gantt Chart includes tasks below the level 3 reporting areas that lead to identified progress* and contract milestones.  Expanded example areas within the Gantt include 1.1 Project Management and 1.3 Non-Clinical, which are being used to identify flexibilities within these documents beyond the standard level 3 reporting requirements. 

1.1 Project Management
Tasks in this section have been planned in accordance with the provided WBS and the associated Milestones / Deliverables have been identified on the Gantt.  This is to illustrate planning flexibility; the required categories are included as well as project needs that have been identified through discussions and negotiations. 

1.3  Non-Clinical 
Tasks in this section have been planned in accordance with the provided WBS and the associated Milestones / Deliverables have been identified on the Gantt.  In this example subtopic 1.3.1 Model Development has no tasks as it is noted that activities in that area were completed prior to the award of the contract.  This is to illustrate planning flexibility; the required categories are included however do not require activities listed if previously completed or not planned during the contract period of performance.

* Note: Color coding within the Gantt chart is not required and is used only for illustration within this example to cross reference to the corresponding Contract Milestones.  Each color within this chart directly corresponds to a specific numerical reference within the WBS. 

Contract Milestones / Deliverables Chart

The provided example Contract Milestone / Deliverables Chart follows the same structure as the WBS and includes a cross reference to the WBS and Gantt chart for the purpose of planning activities in each of the functional areas.  The example Contract Milestone / Deliverables Chart includes identified milestones and deliverables that will be used to access program progress* by the Project and Contracting Officers as well as Leadership and for purposes of portfolio management.  Expanded example areas within the example Contract Milestone / Deliverables Chart include sections 1.1 Project Management and 1.3 Non-Clinical as well as generic examples under other functional categories.  Project Milestones will be used to assess project progress when determining option execution or modification requests.  The Contract Milestone /Deliverables Chart can also be expanded to include the identification of Go / No Go criteria. 

Project Management Plan

The sample Project Management Plan is a generic example that displays the types of information that should be included in a project management plan.   The plan should be customized to the needs of the project and the requirements of the project team.  The project plan will be used to identify how the progress reporting will be managed and the accompanying examples would be referenced for those purposes. 

Subcontractor Management Plan

The sample Subcontractor Management Plan is a generic example that displays the types of information that should be included in a subcontractor management plan.   The plan should be customized to the needs of the project and the requirements of the project team.   The subcontractor management plan will be used to identify how the progress reporting of the subcontractors will be managed and the subcontractor activities in the accompanying examples would be referenced for those purposes. 

Risk Management Plan

The sample Risk Management Plan is a generic example to display the information and sections that should be included in a risk management plan.  A risk management plan should be included as part of the proposal process, high probability and impact risks can then be considered early in the contract structuring process.   The risk management plan will be used to identify risks and how they are reported and affect the progress of the project.  The first example risk in the register ties directly back to the example Gantt as an example of how the risk plan relates to the other examples. 



  • This page last reviewed: July 11, 2012