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Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program

Human Genome News Archive Edition
Vol.10, No.3-4   October 1999 
Available in PDF 
In this issue... 

DOE '99 Oakland Highlights
* Meeting Intro
* HGP Progress, Challenges
* Joint Genome Institute
JGI Facility Opening
Device Speeds Sequencing
* Chromosome 19 Genes
* Functional Genomics
* Sample Prep System
* Informatics
* Education & Bioethics
* Microbial Genomes
* Next Meeting Feb. 2000

Genome Project
* Accelerated Timetable
* FY1999 Budgets
* JGI Refits Facility
* Progress

In the News 
* Drosophila Near Completion
* Directors, Researchers Receive Awards
* Chromosomes 21, 22 Near Finish
* Human MHC Region Sequenced
* Mouse Probes Aid Mapping
* Genetic Testing Committee
* DOE Labs & Biomedicine
* Biomedical Engineering Proposals
* Drug Firms Create SNP Resource
* SBIR 1999 Awards
* HUGO News
* 1999 Hollaender Winners

Microbial Genomics 
* EcoCyc Database for E. coli
* Developing EcoCyc
* Thermotoga Sequence
* Clostridium Sequenced
* Microbial Gene Finder
* Neisseria Sequence
* Microbial Web Sites

Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues
* Education, Counseling Foundation
* ELSI Studies
* ELSI Retrospective
* Protecting Privacy

* MGI 2.2 Released
* DNA Repository

Web, Other Resources, Publications 
* Metabolic Pathways
* New Staden Package
* PDB Newsletter
* Polymorphism Database
* Bacterial Protein Database
* DOE BER Publications
* HGP Information Web
* Biotechnology Business Webs
* Behavioral Genetics
* Office of Science Reports
* Articles on Genetics

* Genome Research Funding

Meeting Calendars & Acronyms 
* Genome & Biotech Meetings 
* Training Courses & Workshops 
* Acronyms 

*HGN archives & subscriptions 
*HGP Information home

In the News

SBIR 1999 Human Genome Awards Announced

The DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Research has announced six PhaseI and three PhaseII awards for 1999 in genome, structural biology, and related technologies topics of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. The highly competitive SBIR awards are designed to stimulate commercialization of federally funded research and development for the benefit of both the private and public sectors. SBIR emphasizes cutting-edge, high-risk research with potential for high payoff in hundreds of areas, including human genome research (contacts).

Phase I Awards

  • Atom Sciences, Inc. (Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Tom Whitaker): DNA Diagnostics Using Electrical Detection
  • CombiMatrix Corp. (Burlingame, California; Francis Rossi): Microarrays of Affinity Probes for the Analysis of Gene Products
  • CyberConnect Corp. (Storrs, Connecticut; Wally Grajewski): A Visual Data-Flow Editor Capable of Integrating Data Analysis and Database Querying
  • Genome Informatics Corp. (Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Doug Hyatt): Commercialization of the GRAIL EXP Gene-Discovery System
  • Physical Optics Corp. (Torrance, California; Tin Aye): Versatile Liquid Crystal Tunable Interference Filter for Chromosome Analysis
  • SymBiotech, Inc. (Wallingford, Connecticut; Edward Davis): Fluorescent-Based, High-Throughput Protein Kinase and Phosphatase Assays

Phase II Awards

  • Atom Sciences, Inc. (Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Tom Whitaker): A Quantitative Analytical Tool for Producing DNA-Based Diagnostic Arrays
  • Fidelity Systems, Inc. (Gaithersburg, Maryland; Sergei Kozyavkin): D-Strap DNA Sequencing Chemistry
  • MacConnell Research Corp. (San Diego, California; William MacConnell): Automated Purification of Blood or Bacterial Genomic DNA

The electronic form of the newsletter may be cited in the following style:
Human Genome Program, U.S. Department of Energy, Human Genome News (v10n3-4).

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Last modified: Wednesday, October 29, 2003

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Publications and webpages on this site were created by the U.S. Department of Energy Genome Program's Biological and Environmental Research Information System (BERIS). Permission to use these documents is not needed, but please credit the U.S. Department of Energy Genome Programs and provide the website All other materials were provided by third parties and not created by the U.S. Department of Energy. You must contact the person listed in the citation before using those documents.

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Site sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Human Genome Program