Special Investigation Report - Truck Parking Areas

NTSB Number: SIR-00-01
NTIS Number: PB2000-917001
Adopted May 17, 2000


In April 1999, the National Transportation Safety Board began a Truck/Bus Safety Initiative and to date has held four public hearings to obtain information from a variety of sources about the relevant safety issues regarding trucks and buses and on how to address them. Participating in these hearings were representatives from the truck and bus industries, vehicle and equipment manufacturers, labor unions, safety advocacy groups, and various State and Federal agencies.

The major issue addressed in this Safety Board special investigation report is the lack of safe available commercial vehicle parking on or near interstates for truckdrivers who want or need to use it. Associated with this issue, this report also discusses the lack of information about parking available to truckdrivers and the State-enforced parking time limits.

As a result of its investigation, the Safety Board issued recommendations to the Federal Highway Administration; the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration; the Governors of Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington; the American Trucking Associations, Inc.; the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association; the National Private Truck Council; the National Association of Truck Stop Operators; and the National Industrial Transportation League.


To the Federal Highway Administration:

Include the National Industrial Transportation League as a stakeholder in the ongoing truck rest parking study that is being conducted per the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century section 4027 legislation. (H-00-16)

As part of the report to Congress on the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century section 4027, evaluate the benefits, related to truck parking, of eliminating the prohibition against private development of rest area facilities on interstates. Should this evaluation conclude that truck parking could be improved, obtain legislative authority to eliminate the prohibition where needed. (H-00-17)

Cooperate with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to create a comprehensive guide, available both on paper and in electronic format, for all truckdrivers to use that will inform drivers about the locations of all parking areas (both private and public) and the space availability. (H-00-18)

To the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration:

In cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, the American Trucking Associations, Inc., the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, the National Private Truck Council, and the National Association of Truck Stop Operators, create a comprehensive guide, available both on paper and in electronic format, for all truckdrivers to use that will inform drivers about the locations of all parking areas (both private and public) and the space availability. Also, develop a plan for its distribution and maintenance. (H-00-19)

To the Governors of Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington:

Once your State has ensured that adequate parking is available, eliminate or modify those time limits at public rest areas that can prevent truckdrivers from obtaining adequate rest or redirect drivers to nearby parking facilities where they can obtain adequate rest. (H-00-20)

To the American Trucking Associations, Inc.:

Cooperate with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to create a comprehensive guide, available both on paper and in electronic format, for all truckdrivers to use that will inform drivers about the locations of all parking areas (both private and public) and the space availability. Also, distribute the guide to your members and urge them to use it to direct drivers to the nearest parking areas. (H-00-21)

To the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association:

Cooperate with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to create a comprehensive guide, available both on paper and in electronic format, for all truckdrivers to use that will inform drivers about the locations of all parking areas (both private and public) and the space availability. Also, distribute the guide to your members and urge them to use it to direct drivers to the nearest parking areas. (H-00-22)

To the National Private Truck Council:

Cooperate with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to create a comprehensive guide, available both on paper and in electronic format, for all truckdrivers to use that will inform drivers about the locations of all parking areas (both private and public) and the space availability. Also, distribute the guide to your members and urge them to use it to direct drivers to the nearest parking areas. (H-00-23)

To the National Association of Truck Stop Operators:

Cooperate with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to create a comprehensive guide, available both on paper and in electronic format, for all truckdrivers to use that will inform drivers about the locations of all parking areas (both private and public) and the space availability. (H-00-24)

To the National Industrial Transportation League:

Participate in the Federal Highway Administration ongoing truck rest parking study that is being conducted per the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century section 4027 legislation. (H-00-25)