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The Charter of the Export-Import Bank of the United States

as amended through P.L. 112-122, May 30, 2012,
cited as the Export Import Bank Act of 1945, as amended.
Certain provisions codified at 12 United States Code section 635 et seq.
Appendix contains other relevant provisions of Title 12 of the United States Code.
Additional provisions of P.L. 112-122 are also contained herein.
Updated August 30, 2012.

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Table of Contents

Note: the Table of Contents does not appear in the United States Code.  It was created by staff of the
Export-Import Bank of the United States as an aid to the reader.

Charter Section                              Description

Section 2a
2(a)(1) .............................................. Powers and Functions
2(a)(2) .............................................. Medium-Term Financing
2(a)(3) .............................................. Enhancement Of Medium-Term Program

Section 2b
2(b)(1)(A) ........................................ Objectives, Competitiveness Survey
2(b)(1)(B) ........................................ Private Capital, Reasonable Assurance of Repayment, Chafee Amendment
2(b)(1)(C) ........................................ Renewable Energy
2(b)(1)(D) ........................................Services
2(b)(1)(E) .........................................Small Business
2(b)(1)(F) ........................................ Foreign Credit Insurance Association
2(b)(1)(G) ........................................ Non-U.S. Persons
2(b)(1)(H) ........................................ High Technology Exports to Transitional Market Economies
2(b)(1)(I) .......................................... Small Business and Rural Outreach
2(b)(1)(J)...........................................Electronic Tracking of Pending Transactions
2(b)(1)(K)...........................................Promotion of Renewable Energy Exports
2(b)(1)(L)...........................................Denial of Support for Violations of US Law
2(b)(2) .............................................. Marxist-Leninist Countries
2(b)(3) .............................................. Notification to Congress
2(b)(4) .............................................. Nuclear Safeguards
2(b)(5) .............................................. Prohibition of Financing to Countries in Armed Conflict with U.S.
2(b)(6)(A) ..........................................Prohibition on Financing Defense Articles and Services
2(b)(6)(B-G) .....................................Anti-Narcotics Exception to Defense Articles and Services Prohibition
2(b)(6)(H) ........................................ Report to Congress on Munitions List and Arms Export Control Act Items
2(b)(6)(I) ......................................... Dual Use Exception to Defense Articles and Services Prohibition
2(b)(7) .............................................. Limit on Bank Financing of Defense Articles and Services to Less Developed Countries
2(b)(8) .............................................. Agricultural Commodities
2(b)(9) .............................................. Sub-Saharan Africa
2(b)(10) ............................................ Prohibition on Balance of Payments Financing
2(b)(11) ............................................ Prohibition Relating to Angola
2(b)(12) ............................................ Prohibition Relating to Russian Transfers of Certain Missile Systems
2(b)(13) ............................................Prohibition on Assistance To Develop or Promote Certain Railway Connections and Railway-Related Connections

Section 2c
2(c)(1) .............................................. Fees Commensurate with Risks
2(c)(2) .............................................. Employment of Agents
2(c)(3) .............................................. Transferability of Guarantees

Section 2d
2(d) ..................................................  Insurance Opportunities

Section 2e
2(e) ..................................................  Limitation on Assistance Which Adversely Affects the United States

Section 2f-2j
2(f)....................................................  Authority to Deny Transactions for Violations of US Laws
2(g).................................................... Process for Notifying Applicants of Application Status
2(h).................................................... Response to Application for Financing; Implementation of Online Loan Request and Tracking Process
2(i).................................................... Due Diligence Standards for Lender Partners
2(j).................................................... Non-subordination Requirement

Section 3
3(a) ................................................... Independent Agency
3(b) ................................................... President and First Vice President
3(c) ................................................... Board of Directors
3(d) ................................................... Advisory Committee
3(e)(1) .............................................. Conflict of Interest
3(e)(2) .............................................. Assistant General Counsel for Administration
3(f) ................................................... Small Business Division
3(g) ..................................................  Small Business Specialists
3(h) ..................................................  Small Business Committee
3(i) ...................................................  Office of Financing for Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Small Business Concerns and Small Business
                                                             Concerns Owned by Women
3(j) ...................................................  Authority to Use Portion of Bank Surplus to Update Information Technology Systems

Section 4
4 ....................................................... Capitalization of Bank

Section 5
5 ....................................................... Authority to Issue Obligations

Section 6
6(a) ................................................... Aggregate Loan Guarantee, and Insurance Authority – Limitation on Outstanding Amounts
6(b) ................................................... Aggregate Loan Guarantee, and Insurance Authority – Presidential Request for Additional Authority

Section 7
7 ....................................................... Termination Date of Bank

Section 8
8 ....................................................... Annual Report to Congress
8A ..................................................... Annual Competitiveness Report

Section 9
9 ....................................................... Foreign Governments in Default

Section 10
10 ...................................................... Tied Aid Credit Program and Fund

Section 11
11 ...................................................... Environmental Policy and Procedures

Section 12
12 ...................................................... Debt Reduction – Enterprise for the Americas Initiative

Section 13
13 ...................................................... Cooperation on Export Financing  Programs

Section 14
14 ...................................................... Special Debt Relief for the Poorest, Most  Heavily Indebted Countries

Section 15
15....................................................... Market Windows


12 U.S.C., Chapter 6A, Subchapter I, General Provisions

635a-1 .............................................. Export Credit Competition
635a-2 .............................................. Regulations Regarding Adverse Effect of Loans and Guarantees on U.S. Industry
635a-3 .............................................. Export-Import Bank Financing to Match Foreign Financing
635a-4 .............................................. Guarantees for Export Accounts Receivable and Inventory
635a-5 .............................................. Negotiations to End Export Credit Financing
635a-6 .............................................. Periodic Audits Bank Transactions

12 U.S.C., Chapter 6A, Subchapter II, Export Financing

635j .................................................. Export Financing Program to Foster Foreign Trade and Commercial Interest of the United States
635k ..................................................Apportionment of Losses Incurred on Loans, Guarantees, and Insurance Extended Under this Subchapter
635l .................................................. Authorization for Appropriation of Funds for Losses Under this Subchapter
635m ................................................ Powers of the Bank
635n ................................................. Sales of Defense Articles under this Subchapter

12 U.S.C., Chapter 6A, Subchapter I, Subchapter III, Tied Aid Credit Export Subsidies

635o ..................................................Congressional Statement of Purpose
635p ..................................................Presidential Mandate to Negotiate
635q ..................................................Establishment of Tied Aid Credit Program in Export-Import Bank
635r .................................................. Establishment of Tied Aid Credit Program administered by the Trade and Development Agency
635s ................................................. Implementation
635t .................................................. Definitions

Other Provisions Contained in Public Law 112-122

P.L. 112-122                                     Description
Sec. 1 ................................................ Short Title; Table of Contents
Sec. 4 ................................................ Export-Import Bank Exposure Limit Business Plan
Sec. 5 ................................................ Study by the Comptroller General on the Role of the Bank in the World Economy and the Bank's Risk Management
Sec. 9 ................................................ Notice and Comment for Bank Transactions Exceeding $100,000,000
Sec. 12 .............................................. Publication of Guidelines for Economic Impact Analyses and Documentation of Such Analyses
Sec. 13 .............................................. Report on Implementation of Recommendations of the Government Accountability Office
Sec. 14 .............................................. Examination of Bank Support for Small Business
Sec. 15 .............................................. Review and Report on Domestic Content Policy
Sec. 16 .............................................. Improvement of Method for Calculating the Effects of Bank Financing on Job Creation and Maintenance in the United States
Sec. 18 .............................................. Prohibitions on Financing for Certain Persons Involved in Sanctionable Activities With Respect to Iran
Sec. 21 .............................................. Financing for Goods Manufactured in the United States Used in Global Textile and Apparel Supply Chains
Sec. 24 .............................................. Dual Use Exports
Sec. 25 .............................................. Effective Date

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